Friends? Enemies?

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Bobby looked cool to me when I came into the room. He sat with blue clothes, as all the prisoners had and he frowned.

"And what the hell do you want?"

I swallowed and I sat down on the other side of the table. We were supervised and I felt safe. I tried not to show my fear over that I had taken this step.

"You and I need to talk!" I said kindly. "I'm here because I don't want that Niall will suffer more. He's crushed by what has happened and I want you to call and talk to him."

Bobby snorted.

"He chose you."

I shook my head.

"You didn't give him a choice?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Well, I said he had to choose!"

I swallowed and I tried to think through all the answer I could give him.

"He's your son?"

Still no understanding.

"No, he's your boyfriend."

What would I say so that he would understand? I frowned, and it was as if Bobby had a wall around his thoughts. He couldn't change.

"Although you don't accept me, you shouldn't turn your backs on him." I was annoyed. "He's your son, and he needs you as much as he needs me."

Bobby laughed cold.

"No, he chose the ass-fucker!" and he said the words cold. "That's how you gays do it? By the ass?"

I sensed that he wanted to provoke me.

"That's private. I don't ask you how you are doing with women."

He sneezed.

"But that's normal. What you are doing is disgusting!"

I swallowed and I clenched my jaws.

"I remember that you were a kind of father, like that father as I once wanted. You neglected to Niall was gay and you stood behind him in every choice that he made. You are now totally changed and you don't even try to understand him."

Bobby leaned against me.

"He met you!"

I swallowed.

"And he's still the same person, the same son and he has the same feelings. He loves me and you can't do anything about it. But you can change your relationship. I demand nothing from you, but Niall needs his dad."

Bobby's eyes were cold, his face serious and he stared almost at me.

"If you want to do something about it, leave him."

I shook my head and I was about to give up.

"No, I'm not going to leave him. I love him and I want to take care of him. I want him to feel good and when he feels bad, I feel the same thing. What we have is genuine and I intend to stay." Now I stood up. "I feel sorry for you. Maura was at our house and met my mom. That's the way a family does. Care about each other and for each other."

He seemed surprised.

"Was she with you?"

I frowned.

"Yes, we cooked, chatted, and actually it was fun. She got to know my mom."

He seems to hesitate.

"But she said she was on my side?"

I laughed cold.

"She don't dare to contradict you, because she wants everyone to feel good."

Bobby leaned back in his chair.

"But I hate you!" he whispered hoarsely. "I hate you for everything that you did to Niall. I know it's a long time ago, but for me it feels like it was yesterday."

What would I say?

"I intend to spend the rest of my life with that memory." I answered honestly. "I suffer and I regret everything that I've ever done. But Niall has forgiven me and we've moved on. We haven't forgotten but we have forgiven."


I threw myself in Harry's arms when he came home.

"I tried to call!"

He kissed me and he smiled big.

"I had some errands to do."

I giggled and I had to tell him the good news.

"Dad phoned!"

Harry responded. He looked straight at me and it was like he didn't believe me.

"When and what did he say?"

I kissed him again.

"That he might consider going on." I muttered hoarsely. I was happy, I was happy. Dad had taken the first step and he was ready to test. "He said something to forgive but not forget."

Harry had a smile on his face.

"That was wise words?"

I nodded and I held on my arms around his neck. For once I felt happy. It was as if I had released thousands of stones from my shoulders.

"Maybe he needs time, but he promised to try."

I kissed Harry. I loved his lips, I love all over him and I loved life. I saw before me how my dad hung out with us. Maybe we could do as in the good old days, going to football and socialize normally?


"We've got a class reunion!"

Harry didn't even seem surprised.

"Are you going to go?"

I frowned and I looked at him.

"I don't know. I don't want to go alone, let's get together."

He rolled his eyes and I assumed it was because he didn't want to meet with those as we had once been friends with. I looked down at the letter.

"It's a party at school."

Harry sighed.

"Niall... I don't want to go to that thing."

I wanted something different.

"Louis and Eleanor might come?"

He looked at me for a long time. It was as if he was thinking about the choices he had and maybe he realized that I wanted to go.

"Is it important for you?"

I sat down on the chair.

"No, but it would have been funny?"

He sighed.

"Okay, if you want to go, I follow you, but if Liam gets there and destroy, I go home."

Now I understood what he meant. He didn't want to meet Liam again.

"He might not get there?"

Harry swallowed.

"But if he comes?"

I smiled at him.

"All has changed and we are older. He certainly has changed?"

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