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"Okay Zayn! What exactly happens if I say yes to your proposal."

We had just come to the tattoo studio and I just had to ask. He laughed a little bit and then he smiled awry.

"Let's just say I make a few phone calls. When I have paid for that, to be done, they send a guy that finds Louis and you know the rest?"

I frowned.

"But I don't want him to be injured or die, or..."

Zayn took his hand on my shoulder and he look straight at me.

"You want to warn him, right?"

I swallowed.

"I just want him to stop."

He nodded with satisfaction.

"And that's exactly what will happen. If you say yes, I promise that you will be satisfied."

I still hesitate.

"And the police wont understand that it's we who sent that guy?"

Zayn quickly shook his head.

"I promise you, there will be no evidence, and these guys are quiet after a job's done."

I continued to hesitate. My stomach screamed yes, but my understanding said no.

"And what if..."

Zayn leaned toward me, looked seriously into my eyes and he looked pointedly at me.

"Say yes, and let me take all the responsibility."

I swallowed.

"Okay, yes!"

I knew I would regret it. I knew I should probably thinking about it a few days more, but at the same time, there was no way out.

"And I have no idea about this?"

He shook his head.

"And as far as I know, I have nothing to do with it."

He picked up the phone and I saw him vanish away. I sat down and I hesitated. Perhaps this was the wrong way out? I felt like a criminal and Bobby's words echoed in my head. "He's a criminal!"


I was angry. Louis followed me into the grocery store and he didn't give up.

"But I just wanted him to know."

I turned around and I looked at him coldly.

"Know what? That you want him and you are desperate enough to stand outside our house?"

Louis fell silent and I knew why. He didn't think or know I had the whole picture in front of me and I hated him for that.

"You let Harry be!" I growled cold. "He's mine and he will never be yours."

Louis was pale in the face and he just stared at me.


I shook my head.

"Just put down all that and leave us in peace. I don't want to see your face again, never again."

I went in to buy some stuff and he didn't follow me. Quickly and angrily I got together all as I would have, and I went to the cashier. I felt the hatred grew. Louis stood by the door waiting for me. I put up the goods and I paid. Quickly I then down it in a plastic bag and I walked towards the door.

"But Niall!"

I growled and I passed him.

"I'll call the police if you don't quit. We have evidence enough to get you locked up."

"But please...!"

I went out on the street and I began to walk toward the car. He followed.

"He isn't good for you."

"Oh yeah, but he's good enough for you?"

Louis frowned.

"I just wanted to do you a favour and get him away."

I spun around again and I regarded him with cold.

"Is that your excuses? You sound like my dad and he stole a painting to get me to leave him. You, you just stalk us and destroy even more."

Louis threw up his arms in the air.

"He will destroy you and I want..."

I frowned.

"You don't know what he and I have together. It's real and we have something called love."

Louis swallowed.

"Much like my sister?"

I understood nothing.


He nodded tired.

"Yes, he has been with my sister many years ago and he made her pregnant and he destroyed her life. I've been waiting to get revenge and I apologize that you were in the way."

I become quiet.


Louis looked down on the ground and he looked so small. It was as if he lost courage.

"Harry was all over her a long time ago and she thought he loved her." he whispered hoarsely. "I wanted revenge and I saw only black in front of me. I apologize that I didn't tell the truth."

I hesitated. I knew Harry had been such a guy, when we were young, who changed girls every week, but not that he had been with Louis's sister.

"Are you serious?"

He nodded and took a deep breath.

"She then ended up in the hospital. She tried committing suicide. She gave birth to the baby and we adopted him away."

I didn't want to hear what he said, but still I stood there. Louis leaned against a lamppost and he looked straight at me with tears in his eyes.

"She's have it difficult and I do everything for my family." he whispered. "Although it means I end up with the police."

I swallowed.

"Did she tell that to Harry, that she was pregnant?"

Louis nodded.

"Yes, and he asked her to go to hell."

I become stiff all over. Okay Harry had once been an idiot, that was fact, but I had no idea about this. Perhaps he had even more illegitimate children? Who knows how many girls who became pregnant because of him?

"He's an idiot!" Louis went on hoarse and he wiped away the tears. "I wanted to tell you, but I thought this was my chance to give back."

I almost started to shake. I was empty in the whole body and I had no idea what I would say.

"So now you know the truth!" muttered Louis. "I know he may have changed, but I see only the idiot who was with my sister."

I swallowed.

"So you aren't interested in him?"

Louis shook his head.

"No, and I lied to you. I'm not even bisexual. I just wanted to get a foot between you."


I sat quietly in the car. I held my hands tightly around the steering wheel and I just stared straight out. Maybe I didn't know about anything about Harry? Maybe he even lied to me about what he felt for me? Maybe he just wanted to make me happy to feel better when he thought about the past? The mobile phone vibrated and I sensed that it was Harry, but I couldn't talk to him. I couldn't even leave the car and go into the house. Instead, I just sat there and the thoughts spun around.

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