Mom and mom

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"Hello, I'm Maura!"

Harry just stared at the woman outside the door. Niall was still asleep and it was early morning. At first he didn't understand who she was, but then he realized.

"Nialls mom?"

She blushed a little bit and looked down at the ground.

"Yes, I heard what had happened and I thought ..." She cleared her throat and looked at Harry again. "I'm sorry to bother you, and I didn't call, but I felt a little panic."

Harry tried to smile and he stood as she could came in.

"I'm Harry!" he got up. She walked past him and she smiled kindly at him.

"Well, I understood that."

Harry closed the door, and he noted that she had no suitcase. She seemed to understand his thought.

"I sleep in a hotel."

He reacted as he should.

"But you can sleep here? We have guest rooms?"

She shook her head quickly.

"No, I don't want to be in the way and I go home as soon as I get to hear how it is with my ex-husband."

Harry helped her off with her coat. He felt that he could win points by showing that he was a changed man. He wasn't that as Bobby had told her.

"Oh tank you!" she got up. "And Niall?"

Harry hung the jacket on a clothes hanger in the hall.

"He's sleeping." he got up, and then he smiled at her. "Tea? Coffee? You hungry?"

She seemed unsure if she dared.

"Maybe some tea would be nice!"

He smiled wide and he went ahead of her toward the kitchen.

"Come along then you should get what you want."


I awoke to the sound of voices. It took me a while before I sensed that I recognized the feminine voice. After another few minutes, I realized that it was my mother. I sat up in bed and I was wide awake. What? She was in our house? How did she get there?

I chose to put on a T-shirt and a pair of soft pants. I was still tired and I didn't feel like putting energy into myself. I went down to the kitchen and I found Harry talking with my mom. It felt good that she endorsed him and I was thankful that she cared. Harry become silent when he saw me and she turned around. Direct  mom stood up and she came up to me. Without a word, she gave me a hug and then she looked closely at me up and down.

"You have changed?"

I smiled a little bit.

"Yes, much has changed."

She smiled and she looked into my eyes. I saw that she was suffering with me and she was worried. Okay, maybe not worried but maybe we were shocked over the fact.

"I'll talk to his lawyer today." she said nicely and quietly. "I understand that you are angry at him, but I just can't turn my back on him."

I understood.

"He's in custody."

She already knew that but I was compelled to say it. She smiled a little bit, and she changed the subject.

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