First time for everything

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I took the phone to my ear, although I didn't want to. We walked hand in hand along the street and my phone had began to ring.

"How is it?"

It was my mom. I heard the concern in her voice. I took a deep breath.

"It depends on whether we should discuss dad or Harry?"

She hesitated.

"Let's start with Harry."

I held his hand tightly. He heard this was such a conversation was serious.

"Yes mom, he's my boyfriend, and no, he's not a criminal and he doesn't take drugs and he's normal."

She laughed a little bit.

"Yes, you said that as your dad said. He said..."

I interrupted her.

"Please, Mom, he's lying. Harry happens to be tattooed and that's all. He has a house, he has a job and he pays his bills."

She cleared her throat. She knew that I had every right in the world to give her my opinion. My dad had lied and I sensed that he had put on more lies into the truth.

"He's changed." I got out of me, hoping that she would believe me. "He's a wonderful person and if you just give him a chance, you'll realize the same thing."

Harry blushed. I saw it in the corner of my eye. I liked it.

"But your dad said..." she paused. "Okay, I understand how it is. He called and he said a lot of things, and frankly, it sounded like he was crazy."

I agreed with her.

"Yes, he's pissed because I picked the wrong guy, according to him, but I promise with all my heart that Harry's the opposite."

I was actually relieved. My mom was on my side and I heard it in her voice. She wanted to be neuutral, but this time she was with me.

"I'll try to talk to him!" she said kindly. "I can't promise anything, but I'll try."

I closed my eyes and I sighed with relief.

"Thanks Mom, thank you very much!"

She laughed a little bit.

"Yes, this is the first time that you have even talked about a boyfriend. It must be something big?"

I blushed and I looked down at the ground in front of me. Yes, it was really big. I had a ring that said that I belonged to Harry. He was mine and I owned him.

"It is big!"


Harry held up his hand and he looked at the ring. We had chosen to have them on the left hand, on the ring finger. Okay, maybe it was a little challenging, but it felt right.

"Yes, we have rings!" he murmured happily. "So we own each other?"

I laughed and I looked at him.

"Yes, I suppose so?"

He looked at me again and he lowered his hand.

"That thing about your apartment?"

I swallowed.

"I've thought about it all day, and actually, it's not so bad to live under the same roof?"

Harry smiled, and he agreed with me.

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