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How could it feel so natural? It was as if I landed in a life as I had lived in before. Still, everything was new. Harry kissed me as soon as the alarm clock screamed out an annoying signal. He kissed me softly. I took my hands around his neck and I forced him to come closer.

"We must be up!" he muttered hoarsely. I moaned and I took my legs around his waist and I forced him to stay.

"Don't want to go up!"

I sounded like a child and that was intended. He laughed and he ended the kiss. He put an elbow on each side of my head and he looked at me closely.

"You're going to school and you'll be there in an hour."

I frowned.

"I have fever, I'm ill!"

He laughed again.

"Are you?"

I nodded mockingly, and I put my head askew.

"Aren't you sick?"

I saw how he was thinking. He frowned.

"I have to work!"

I sighed. I wanted to remain in bed, I wanted to just lie there beside him and feel him close. I didn't want to leave him and I didn't want to go to my work.


Harry shook his head.

"No, I have to!" he whispered hoarsely. "I have clients scheduled throughout the day and it would take forever to book them again."

I took a deep breath and I removed my legs from the him.

"Okay, but can I come here after work?"

He nodded.

"You are always welcome here."


The more I thought about it, the more I want. I had a small apartment and it was still quite a dull place. I wanted to stay with Harry and why not bring up the subject? I mean, we both were well aware of what it meant to live in the same house and we were mature enough to handle it. Actually the idea was quite attractive. Who said you couldn't make things faster than the fastest?


I stopped working before Harry. I chose to go straight to his small tattoo studio. I felt that he wouldn't say no and I walked in the door. I saw him, he was sitting and tattooed a girl. She didn't like it, because she made faces and I saw that it hurt. Harry looked up and saw me, and he got a smile.

"I'm almost finished!"

I nodded and I sat down on one of the sofas, which was on the other side of the room. I watched him carefully. I loved his arms. He had muscles and you could see how trained he actually was. Harry had only a thin tank top that concealed the his body. I could see his arms, which were full of pictures. They were beautiful, they were dangerous and I loved them. He had tight pants and just the thought of what was under there made me blush.

"Damn you want to kill me?" whimpered the girl. Harry sighed slightly, and he waited for her to sit still.

"I said it hurts to tattoo your back."

She frowned.

"Yes, but damn, it feels like you do it with desire?"

Harry shook his head.

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