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*Hanna's POV*

We ran into the hospital and asked about Emily. 

"She's in surgery right now. I can't give any details to non-family members," the nurse said. 

"We're practically family," I said. 

"Practically isn't good enough. Please have a seat," the nurse said. I sighed and sat down, Aria right behind me. Just then, Caleb and Ezra burst through the doors, running straight to us. 

"Hey," I siad, smiling and pulling Caleb down right next to me. 

"Did you know Spencer was here, too?" Ezra asked, a worried expression on his face. 

"No, Toby arrested her," Aria said. A pit opened up in my stomach as I saw Toby walking toward us. 

"What's wrong, man," Caleb asked him. 

"Spencer had a miscarriage. Not surprised. But now they know she was on drugs and alcohol, so she's going to end up in rehab, or arrested or something. I'm not sure. They wouldn't talk to me because I'm not family," Toby said. Everyone was silent. We all knew Spencer was hurting her baby, but it was still a blow to hear that she had lost it. I instinctively put my hand on my stomach, and Caleb's hand was on top of mine in an instant. I looked over and saw Aria and Ezra were doing the same thing. 

"Is her mom here?" Ezra asked. Toby shook his head. 

"They're all out of town. And Melissa just doesn't care. I'm the only person she has right now, and I'm not even her boyfriend anymore," Toby said. 

"I get it, man. I'm sorry about everything," Ezra said. I leaned into Caleb's shoulder. I didn't even have a baby bump yet. I couldn't imagine losing my baby. I wondered what Spencer was going through right now. It was too painful even to imagine. 

"You girls were with Emily Fields, right?" The nurse asked. 

"Yes, we were," I said. 

"She's ready for visitors," the nurse said. We all followed her to Emily's room. 

"Hey guys," she said weakly when we walked in. 

"How are you feeling?" Aria asked. 

"The whole left side of my body broken," she said, wincing when she took in too deep of a breath. 

"Do you know what happened?" I asked her. 

"Some car ran into me and I spun off the road," Emily said. 

"It was A. A was in the car, because Spencer couldn't eat eighty freaking cupcakes in time," I said. 

"A is back?" Emily asked. 

"She sure is," Aria muttered. Caleb pulled his arm tighter around me. This was the first time he was hearing about this.

"Damn," Emily whispered. 

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