Two Bright Lights

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*Emily's POV*

I sighed as I got into my car and started driving towards the town limits. I was so sick of Spencer's shit. I did regret a little that I wasn't saying goodbye to Aria and Spencer, but I needed make sure nobody stopped me from doing what needed to be done. I heard my phone ring, and I picked it up without really looking at it. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"Emily, it's me again. You cannot leave Rosewood. A is threatening you if I can't do something, and it's not looking like I can do it. Do you catch my drift?" Spencer's voice was saying. 

"Spencer, what the hell are you talking about? Are you drunk?" I asked. 

"Yes. But A is making me eat eighty cupcakes or you die on your way out of Rosewood," Spencer said. 

"Listen, Spence, I-" at that moment I was cut off by two bright lights so close to me, and then a jolting of my car. The glass in my windshield shattered, and the left side of my body was in immense pain. I was spinning off the road and I felt the back of my car slam into a tree. It took a few minutes before I completely passed out. 

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