Drunken Mess

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*Spencer's POV*

"Toby, I'm pregnant," I said. He sat there, completely motionless. 

"We haven't had sex lately, Spencer. I guarantee you it's been far over a month. Are you sure you took the test right?" Toby asked. 

"Yes. I think...I think there was a night at the bar. I was a combination of drunk and high and I don't remember it. You're not the father. Someone from that night is," I said. He started at me. 

"Get out, Spencer," he said. 

"I want you to be the official father on the birth cirtificate," I said. 

"Spencer, I said get the hell out!" Toby yelled at me. 

"Toby please," I begged. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the door of his apartment. 

"Don't come back here, Spencer," He said, slamming the door in my face. I didn't even make it to my car before I started driving to the nearest bar.


I walked into my house, after having however many drinks at the bar. I was completely buzzed, and I was hoping to avoid my mother. No such luck. 

"Spencer, do you want to tell me about what happened at Hanna's house today? I got an incriminating email from Ashley earlier," she said. 

"I'd rather just go to bed and sleep," I said, slurring my words together. 

"Are you drunk?" She said. 

"No way. How would I get drunk. All the bars have to ID you," I said, trying to keep my words separated, but helplessly slurring them together. 

"You're drunk. Spencer, what the hell is going on?" 

"Nothing. Nothing is out of the ordinary. I went over to Hanna's. We all took pregnancy tests except for Emily, and they all came back positve! My friends and I are all pregnant," I slurred. 

"You're pregnant and drunk? Spencer what the hell is wrong with you?" My mother snapped. 

"I wasn't thinking. Drinking makes everything go away," I said. 

"Go to your room. Sleep. We'll talk tomorrow," my mom said. 

"Fine. Bitch," I said. She turned away and I walked upstairs, pulling out the lighter and a cigarette I had bought on the way home from the bar. I lit it, and took a drag, laying on my bed, smoking until my eyes grew heavy. 

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