Chapter Thirteen

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After Niall fell on the building, Harry went to the infirmary for his right arm for getting a bruised so bad that the nurse suggests that he needs some shoulder strap for his shoulder. Harry didn't like it, but the nurse keeps on hesitating until he gave up with a sigh in defeat.

After he closed the door to Infirmary he let out a shaky sigh and look down the ground, Harry didn't know if he's going to go home to his flat or just stroll around the park in the windy late afternoon. He chose the second option.

When he was now outside the school building he saw a blonde boy leaning his back against wall near the school gate, grinding his foot to the dusty ground, arms enveloped on his chest like he's getting cold for staying too long. Harry felt a churn on his stomach.

He walk to towards the said man, Niall noticed his presence causing him to jerked his head towards the curly haired boy.

Harry approached him with a little stern on his face, just to make himself amused to the blonde boy's straight expression. "Why were you waiting for me?" asked Harry.

"Because you're my friend," Niall says bluntly.

"What?" Harry was a little bit confused to his statement, well this new He thought to himself. He raised his brow waiting for explanation.

They start to walk together in the sidewalk, only Niall was in front of him, facing on his back.

Harry watched fondly at the boy as the wind blew his blond hair and matches the pink and orange skies.

"We're going to be friends from now on," Niall started, not even looking back at Harry, "Zayn told me that It'd be good if a was a friend with you."

Harry stop from walking, "You don't get it, do you?"

Niall also stop on his track and whirled around facing Harry's stern face, the wind blew again and his flattened blonde hair is getting disheveled.

"What I want isn't friendship Niall," Harry smiled, perking the corner of his lip up.

"I wan't us to be lo--"

Harry was interrupted by a loud growling voice of a girl.

"So is it because of that boy, Harry?!"

They both whirled their head only to see a brunette girl, balling her hands into fists, anger filled her face and staring deeply to Niall and Harry.

"Is he the reason why, you're not coming back to us?!" The brunette girl said.

Harry smirked, nodding his head feeling amused, then he answered. "Yup, I'm completely in love with him," He doesn't know if it's true or a lie, but he feels something deep inside that he can't explain.

"Bullshït! Don't joke around Harry!"

Harry straighten his lips as he reached his hand up to his head and ran through his curly locks. "I'm not joking around, Sophia. He's one of my first love."

Niall shrink in his position, when the girl gave him a deadly stare. He bit his lip and just looked down the ground. He doesn't have any experience to this kind of situation, should he be happy or not? Will Zayn be happy for me having a relationship? His thoughts were cut off when the girl spoke again.

"Would he be with you if he knew all of your past?" She asked to Harry with a smirk. Then she looked to Niall and asked, "Hey, do you know what Harry is really like?"

Harry snorted from her question, "It doesn't matter Sophia," He stared at her and gave a smirk, "He has no interest in me, It's strictly a one-sided love,"

Sophia bit her lip, clenched fist as she turn around and stomp her way out of the two.

"That was such an obvious lie," Niall crossed his arm over his chest as he starts to walk again. Harry followed him back.



Harry pouted playfully, "No... You guys were really my first loves! You don't know how hard looked for you two... When you guys suddenly moved away without leaving a contact number." He said, while following Niall at his back.

Harry honestly went through a lot of trouble just to find them, he had even ask their principal in elementary just to locate their number and even went to municipal alone just to find where they lived now.

Niall stop and look down on ground, "There was a situation back then," He mumbled. Harry was now on his side observing the blond boy's reaction.

Harry smiled a little, "What kind of situation?" He asked.

Niall stayed frozen and try to avert his eyes to Harry's intense stare.

"Are you not allowed to tell? Is it a secret?"

Niall jerked up his head and stare in horror at Harry's smirking smile.

"A very frightening secret Niall?"

They stared each other for a long seconds until Harry broke their gaze with laugh. Niall frowned.

"Look at your face!" He laughed, holding his stomach, "I was just joking! It was a joke!" said Harry while wiping the tears slipped in the corner of his eyes.

The next day, Zayn saw Harry picking up his books in the locker, he notice the strap on his arm. He went to his and the curly haired boy notice him, he raised his brow and wait for Zayn to speak.

"You're arm," Zayn started, pointing his index finger to his right arm, "Did you injured it because of my brother?"

Harry closed the locker door and looked to him, "It's nothing, I just strained a muscle."

"I owe you on--" Zayn was cut off by Harry's stern voice.

"I don't get it," He glared to Zayn, "Why are you just watching? When Niall was accused of pushing Liam, when he's ignored by the others... Why are you just watching?" Harry balled his hands into fist, "He's dependent on you! Why aren't you protecting him?!"

Zayn closed his eyes and let out a sigh. He looked at Harry in the eyes, with a bored expression, "Do you know what It's like to be called 'Perverted Siblings?'" He asked the curly haired boy. "When I'm with Niall, people always call us that. You couldn't possibly understand what it feels like."

"Is that why you ran away?" Harry asked.

Zayn was taken aback, "What?"

Harry chuckled and said, "I said, I get it," before he starts to walk to his respective classroom.

Author's Note:

Sorry guys if this is short!!

And I'm really busy of my other book titled, "1D Horror stories" a one-shots story with the boys as themselves. It's a gay one-shots by the way.

I'm still going to continue this book, I already plan the plots, the ending and the other stuffs. I'm not sure this year since, I'm going to be busy with christmas and my family... Maybe next year i'll try to update this book.

The Twin Rose of Evil (Dark Ziall vs. Narry) [Boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now