The Hospital

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Zooming through the corridors I was wheeled into a room.

"Can I leave the hospital by Saturday, Its my girlfriends birthday and I need to be there for her.

"Dont you worry Justin, you will be out by tomorrow."

They told me I was going to be awake throughout the operation.

"Dont worry Justin you wont feel a thing."

He injected something into my hand and It began to feel numb.

A few doctors crowded around me with tools and they started to cut open my hand. I looked at the screen and it showed them cutting open my hand. I shut my eyes as the sight made me feel sick.

"Can Sarah come in ?" I asked

"Im sorry Justin but she isnt aloud im afraid."

I gave a deep sigh and slowly looked around the room. More doctors began to rush around the room, getting tools and giving them to the doctors that were operating.

I began to feel a bit whoosy, I felt as if I was going to be sick.I began to slowly close my eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"Justin! Keep your eyes open for us!"

My eyes slowly flickered open like a light. I felt really tired and wanted to sleep.

"You cant go to sleep Justin, youi must keep awake for us."


I watched Justin being wheeled away, I felt like I was never going to see him again. I hate rebecca for this and I am going to get her back. I cant believe she could do this to me! Stupid selfish brat! She Just pure evil.

"I cant believe rebecca would do this!" I shouted

Mum looked up from reading her magazine and sighed.

"Rebecca wont be coming home so you wont have to deal with her. She has been a really stupid girl and her dad will punish her."

I still didnt think a small punishment is enough, dad will probably let her out after a day because she gets on his nerves.

She could of hurt Justin Bieber even more if he hadnt made a run for it!

The doctor came in , he didnt seem too happy.

"Doc, is Justin okay ? Hows the operation going ?"

" Its going okay Sarah, but he seems to be really tired wich can lead to severe problems, if he falls asleep there is a high risk he could slip into a coma, he had cut into his vains, too much blood loss.He could die."

I felt as if my whole world had Just fallen apart. Justin, My boyfriend.The one I love could slip into a coma at any minute and Im not even by his side! I dodged past the doctor and down to the room where they were operating on Justin, I Opened the door and ran up to him.

"Justin! Stay awake hunny please!"

Tears streamed down my face, I didnt want to lose him. He only cut his hand and there is a chance of him going into a coma!

Justin gave me a weak smile and he moved his finger telling me to come closer.He kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you." He whispered.

The doctor came in and told me to leave, I refused.

"Please let me stay!"

He pulled me away and locked the door when he manged to get me out. I fell to the floor in tears.

"He only cut his hand!" I sobbed

" You would be surprised by the dangers of minor incidents."

"Please save him." I begged

He looked at me. He must of felt guilty for pulling me away.

"I will do my best, Sarah."

Then I heard a lot of noise coming from his room, He had lost too much blood. The doctors rushed in and I followed them. As soon as I walked through the door, the beeps on his heart rate machine dropped to a long note.

He was gone.


So what do you think about Justin ? Do they recusitate him ? or does he not make it . you will find out in the next chapter but it will be in a couple of days. (vote and comment please and dont forget to fan!!!!)

Accidental love ( A Justin Bieber love story )Where stories live. Discover now