Chapter 1

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Here is my first story on this site! Please vote, comment, or message if you like it. I'm open to suggestions, questions, whatever you can think of! The song of the day is Outdo You by Chris Webby I'm still working on the cast so patience is a virtue haha. Sorry, I know this chapter is not very good. I finally figured out how to edit it so it's a little different than the original version I posted.


Until I'm rocking a gold medal like Michael Phelps-

Agh! My groggy brain registers my cell phone's ringtone as I'm jolted awake. What the heck? It's way too early for life.

Imma keep swimming laps around you, raps surround you-

Where is that bloody phone?? My hand roams over my bed, but apparently it's incapable of finding my phone when my eyes are still closed. 

Out do you in things I don't even know how to-

Finally my fingers close around the vibrating, ringing cause of my awakedness (is that even a word? heck, it is now hehe). There's a moment of indecision where I briefly consider chucking the frustrating bit of plastic against the wall instead of answering it, but finally responsibility wins out and I press talk. 

"What?" I growl into the mouthpiece. "I was sleeping."

"Kota wake up wake up wake up!" My best friend Poppy's voice blared through the speaker and shattered whatever hope was left of going back to sleep. "Time to get up!"

I rolled on my side and glanced at the clock, "Pops it' SHIZ!" I yelled as my sleepy brain registered the time. "I'm going to be late, it's already 5! Crap Pops tell Ezra I'll be there in 10!" I snapped my phone shut and sprang from the bed. Crap, crap, CRAP! I'm supposed to be at the pool in 5 minutes. Great, I would be late on my first day of practice. While it's way too early for any sane person to be awake, I'm not a sane person, I'm a swimmer. And a dead swimmer at that if I don't get to the pool soon. I yanked on my team suit and shoved my team cap, goggles, and drag shorts in my bag. Almost ready, almost ready, HURRY UP. I grabbed a water from the fridge and an apple as I rushed out of the house to my yellow Jeep Wrangler, Esteban. Keys, keys, keys, WHERE ARE MY KEYS?! I really need to learn to pack the night before! I ran inside to grab my keys and then realized I didn't have my backpack or school clothes. After sprinting upstairs and throwing the first things I found into a bag, I was back outside and on my way to the pool, thanking my lucky stars I only live a few minutes away. 

I slipped and slid my way across the wet parking lot, 2 minutes now. Halfway across I slid and fell to the ground. Keep running, get to the door, why the heck is the parking lot so far away! I waved quickly at Pilar, the receptionist. Her laugh followed me to the locker room along with her shout of "Prisa!" Hurry. Finally I made it onto the locker room in one piece, tucking hair under my cap and snapping my goggles on top while stripping off my sweats. I didn't even bother to grab a locker, just threw my bags on the floor and sprinted to the pool deck, pulling on my drag shorts as I went. 

I turned the corner at full tilt and ran smack into a wall of lean, tanned muscle and fell right on my booty. Thank god for the hispanic blood from my mother's side, at least there's a little extra padding back there.

"Hey! Watch where your go- ah. Dakota Parker, late again I see?" The boy's deep blue green eyes twinkled as he taunted me.

"Shut the heck up Kayden." I growled. Wow, I'm doing a lot of growling this morning. Oh well, Pheonix Kayden is not helping my mood. I glare up at his smirking face, trying to ignore how sexy his smile is. Wait what? Sexy? I mean annoying. His black hair was wet and falling into his eyes. I kept my eyes trained to his face, avoiding looking at the perfect six-pack I already knew he had. "Move before Ezra kills me."

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