9-Don't Try To Play With Me, Mr. Kitty Cat

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Sorry it took so long, I've been doing little one-shots and working on a short story. I'm playing around with some new ideas so uploads may be a little farther apart. Plus school starts soon so. The guy on the side is Knox, jensen ackles. Please comment, vote, etc. Comment. Please. It would make me super happy haha. 

Phoenix's POV

I pull into the school lot, smirking when I see Dakota's space is still empty. This is going to be so funny, I'll bet she's just going to pull out. No one ever beats me at the Game, I'm the master. I'm Phoenix freaking Kayden for Gaga's sake. I pull out a cigarette as I get out of the car, light up and walk over to my boys Knox and Jake. Technically smoking is not allowed on campus and really not allowed for swimmers but whatever, I'm stressed. 

I glance back over my shoulder to check on the status of Dakota's parking space only to lock eyes with Lee. I don't know what to do with this kid. He's way too level-headed and observant. It makes me nervous. Like now, instead of looking down like a normal person, he holds my gaze, frowning slightly. I wink and turn back to my friends, trying to shake off the feeling that he sees right through me. 

Jake comes running up to me, his mess of brown hair flopping in his eyes. This kid is nothing short of adorable. I'm not gay but there's really no other way to describe him. He's like a little puppy. Even though he's the same age as Knox and I, he possesses the mental capacity of a 6 year old.

As soon as I'm within hearing range he begins to babble, something about a girl in his class talking him. I swear this kid gets almost as much as I do, the girls just eat that whole cute thing up. I don't get it but hey, who am I to judge. If they want to be cradle snatchers, they can go right ahead. 

I look over Jake's head at Knox, acknowledging him with a little nod, which he returns. I'm a big kid but I'm nothing next to Knox. The kid looks like he could crush a car with his pinky. No joke, he's a scary dude. But we've been partners in crime since we were 6, he doesn't seem so fierce when you've seen his sob like a baby while watching E.T. 

15 minutes pass quickly with Jake jabbering on, cigarettes, and the quiet comments Knox is making under his breath about Jake. Once again, I bite back a laugh, nudging Knox slightly as he accidentally calls Jake, Jack, as in Jack Russell, and the image fits the little brunette boy perfectly. We're just leaning against the hood of Knox's beater chevy and after a while I forget to check for Dakota. 

Suddenly Jake breaks off mid-babble, eyes going as big as saucers. He bites his lip and then whistles quietly, "daaaaang, look at the new girl."

Knox and I turn around at the same time and my eyes immediately land on the little yellow Jeep parked next to Lee's black truck. I shrug it off, I'll worry about her later, and continue to look for this "new girl."

"Where Jack?" I ask, puzzled. He laughs and grabs my jaw, moving my face until I'm supposedly looking in the right spot. 

"Right there," he giggles, pointing over to Lee's truck, "the little brunette standing with Connor."

My eyes finally land on who he's talking about and my jaw drops. Dakota? Guys are cat-calling and whistling all over the lot, but she barely even acknowledges them. I growl at the sight of Connor's arm over her shoulders and suddenly she looks around.

Our eyes meet and she winces a bit. She goes on her toes to say something into Connor's ear and he turns to look at me as well, anger faintly etched on his face. He looks like he's about to argue but thinks better of it and slips his arm off her shoulders. 

Dakota turns for us and squares her shoulders determinately, strutting forward towards us. I can't help but check her out. She's wearing this little blue top that shows off cleavage I didn't know she had and a very short mini-skirt. All in all, she looks completely different and I'm not sure which Dakota I like better. I mean, sure this Dakota is hott and all, but it's just not her. Also I am not liking all those guys checking her out. 

Wait what? I mentally slap myself. I'm getting way too attached, she's just more than a little infuriating. I've been sweet, I've been sexy, I've been a complete jerk, I don't know what else to try. None of it seems to have an affect. Plus I'm dying of curiosity. What happened to her side? Why is she so touchy all the time? What happened to her?

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She snaps and I shake myself awake, realizing she's right in front of us. Jake is still openly looking her up and down so I smack him on the back of the head. He glares but steps back by Knox. 

There's an awkward few seconds where nobody talks. Finally Knox stands up and sticks his hand out. "I'm Knox," he announces in his rough voice.

I wait for her to shrink back from him like most people do but she simply looks him up and down, nods a bit to herself, takes his hand and replies, "mucho gusto, I'm Dakota." He nods as well and a tiny smile works its way onto her face. 

She sees me looking and immediately scowls again. "Eyes up here Kayden," she growls, pointing to her eyes. I quickly glance at her eyes and then do a double take. Whoa. Her eyes are green, like bright green. They were never green before?

Before I can ask, Jake cuts me off, running forward to say hello. "Hi I'm Jake and you're like really really pretty. Like seriously, you are. Are you new? I'm not. I've been going here since I was 10. I'm a junior by the way. Are you a junior? Maybe we'll have classes together!" He babbles, bouncing forward to give her a quick hug. 

If she was surprised or uncomfortable, she covered for it quickly, hugging him back with a smile. "Hi Jake, I'm Dakota. We have English and French together. I'm not new." She laughs. 

He looks really hard at her and finally puts two and two together. "Kota!" He yells, jumping up and down like a little kid. I told you he was immature. She laughs and nods. I smack Jake on the back of the head again. He pouts and rubs his head, moving away from me but getting the hint. He simply rocks back and forth on his heels now, a huge grin on his face. Like I said, small child. 

Her eyes flick from my face to my 3rd cigarette, narrowing in anger. I offer her the pack and she scrunches up her face and slaps them away. I can't help but laugh, she just looks so cute when she does that. 

"Shut up and puff on your cancer stick." She snaps, glaring at me. "Ezra would lose his mind if he saw you doing that."

"Oh really? You want to talk to me about doing what Ezra says Mrs. I-need-3-poptarts-capn-crunch-and-a-redbull-to-function-in-the-mornings?" I reply, smirking slightly. 

Her eyes widen and then go back to angry little slits. "Well at least I work out and work off everything I eat instead of spending my time puffing on a little stick of death." 

I step closer and she gulps, taking a step back. We continue this little game until she runs out of places to go and is backed up against Knox's car. She leans back against the hood, eyes wide and I lean forward. I glance sideways and see Connor glaring at us from across the lot, Lee and Caelen holding him back.

I smirk again and begin to lower my face to hers. She can't fight me anymore after this, I'm just too good at kissing. And that's not being cocky, it's fact.

My lips are less than an inch from hers when she moves underneath me. Confused, I stop for a second and in that moment of hesitation, she brings her knee up and knees me as hard as she can. 

She laughs as I fall to the ground clutching myself. Holy hell that hurt! She accepts a high five from Knox and Jake. Traitors. Someone calls her name and we all look up to see Connor waving her over. She giggles again and turns to go, giving Jake a peck on the cheek (which I think stops his heart) and after a moment's consideration she gives Knox a hug. 

Then she sees me still on the ground. She crouches and whispers quietly so only the two of us hear it, "don't try to play with me, Mr. Kitty Cat. You.Will.Lose." And on that happy note, she skips off to a smiling Connor, accepting his arm over her shoulders without protest. 

I smile to myself, we'll see Dakota Rae, we'll see

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