Chapter 8-The reactions. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

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Hey soooo there has been lots of fighting with the parents recently, sorry I haven't uploaded in so long. I'll upload tomorrow as well because I know this doesn't really count and cut off awkwardly. Please comment, vote, fan etc. I would be so happy and I'll upload faster. Comment and I'll give you a cookie :) Still looking for a cover... enjoy. 

I wake up late the next morning. Well, late for me. I stretch my arms over my head, enjoying the feeling of getting two extra hours of sleep. My joints crack and pop, muscles burning, I hadn't gotten to bed until almost 2 a.m. Blake had attempted to chew me out when I walked in at half-past midnight, but I simply reminded him that I've been handling myself for 2 years since he went away. 

As usual, Sirius jerks out of sleep and leaps to his feet as soon as my bare feet touch the cold hardwood floor of my bedroom. I don't know how he always senses when I wake up, he's got some weird sonar thing or something. Jeez, why are my floors so ridiculously cold? Seriously, it's September in Connecticut, not February. I rub sleep out of my eyes and mosey over to my closet, blindy grabbing out a hoodie to let Sirius out. 

As I touch the black handle of my closet, all traces of sleep fly from my brain and I remember the bet. I smile to myself, Mr. Kitty Cat is going to be in for a BIG surprise. I pull on one of Bake's old Shark Tank hoodies and let Sirius and I out of the apartment quietly. No need to wake Blake up.

I return to my closet after letting Sirius out and feeding him, the perfect outfit already on my mind. I know what I want to wear, now I just have to find it. 

I dig through my closet, searching for my "going out" clothes that I keep hidden underneath a pile of old team wear. I push aside old ribbons and trophies, a few single shoes, and one or two of Blake's sweaters that I'd stolen over the years, trying to find the old backpack. Finally my fingers close around the threadbare strap and with a tug, it comes free.

I rummage through the bag, looking for a specific outfit. Eventually I just opt to dump the entire bag out on my bedroom floor. I peruse the small stack of clothing, looking for something semi-modest. The low cut tops and short skirts are mostly Poppy's doing, that's not really my style. After a fair amount of swearing and throwing clothes around my room I pull out the little sparkly halter top I've been looking for. I continue to dig and come up with the black Seven For All Mankind denim skirt, my favorite black mid-calf boots, and a black leather belt. 

I slip on the outfit and shiver at the unusual amount of skin showing, finally grabbing my black leather jacket so I don't freeze to death. I stuff all of the clothes back in the bag, not bothering to hide it, and close up the closet doors. I catch a glimpse of myself in my mirror and laugh at my reflection. Poppy is going to be so proud. 

I quickly apply my makeup, not heavily but enough to make a difference. I can't stand those stupid sluts who pile on the makeup just to get noticed. I don't understand why girls can't see how beautiful they really are. But I suppose I'm a hypocrite for thinking that when I can barely look at myself in the mirror without grimacing most mornings. 

Pushing aside my depressing thoughts, I curl my hair (burning my fingers in the process) and put on some black eyeliner. Almost perfect. After a brief debate, I leave my plain brown contacts in their place by my toothbrush. 

This will be the first time I haven't worn my contacts since I got them when I was 10. My eyes are naturally a bright green like my dad and Blake's. I love them but apparently they're creepy so I bought contacts to cover them up and I've been wearing them ever since. I find it amusing that the exact thing that makes girls swoon over Blake is what makes them wary of me.  

I check myself one last time in the mirror, surprising even myself, I look so different. The light blue of the halter top makes my skin look even deeper and the halter cut shows off my broad shoulders. The skirt is short enough to show off my long, toned legs and hugs my curves. 

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