Chapter 10

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Sorry it took so long but I made it extra long to make up for it. I would love some feedback, comments, vote, messages, whatever :) the guy on the side is Max Helyer of You Me At Six who's playing Jake. I love Jake, don't you guys!!! So cuteeeeee :) enjoy

The rest of the day passed in a confusing blur. Girls were glaring at me and guys were flirting with me. The death glares I was used to but I wasn't sure how to handle all the newfound attention. I accepted numbers and handed mine out as well, something I hadn't done in a very long time. This bothered Connor and Phoenix didn't even acknowledge my existence in Music Theory, thank Gaga we had moved on to scales, I shudder to think what he would have sang. 

The final bell came as a major relief. We both bolted out of class at the same time, resulting in a collision at the door. I zigged when I should have zagged and we crashed into each other with a loud thud. We landed in a tangled heap of writhing limbs and dropped books just outside the classroom door. His roaming hand brushed my butt and I kicked out at him, successfully hitting his ribs. 

Before he could retaliate a hand was thrust into my face and seeing as Phoenix's hands were both busy holding his aching side, it didn't belong to him. My eyes travelled up the skinny little arm and I saw a grinning Jake, leaning over with his hand extended to me. 

I accepted it gratefully and he pulled me to my feet. Once I was standing strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back against a familiar chest. Connor chuckled darkly at Phoenix's position on the ground. Jake was giggling slightly at it too and Knox just stood there with his arms crossed. 

A quick glance at a still smiling Jake and a smirking Knox confirmed that they were not going to help him up. Sighing, I stuck out a hand, much to everyone's surprise. Phoenix's eyes went wide and his face was cautious as he took my hand. I guess I earned that. Connor tensed behind me as I ignored the electricity that went through my fingers at Phoenix's touch and pulled him up.

I let go and stepped back into Connor's arms as soon as Phoenix was standing. I could practically feel Connor's smirk as his arms closed around my waist. The movement would have been insignificant at any other time, but now it clearly said one thing. Mine. 

Normally this would have bothered me, but once again, I was surprisingly calm about it. I was starting to realize that it was because it was Connor. I felt safe with him, familiar. I trusted him not to do anything to purposefully hurt me, which is more than I can say for Phoenix sometimes.

Phoenix's eyes narrowed at the movement and his lips pressed together in a hard line. He squared his shoulders and crossed his arms over his chest, throwing his chin up defiantly and letting all emotion drop from his face.  To avoid the awkwardness, I began to look anywhere but at the scowling dark-haired boy in front of me. 

My eyes trailed over to a now nervous Jake. This kid is straight up adorable. He reminds me of a little Jack Russell Terrier, hyper and all bark, but no bite. Even though we are in the same grade in school, he seems so much younger. He squirmed uncomfortably, pretty brown eyes darting back and forth over the scene. He bites his bottom lip and pulls on his bangs, a nervous habit his had ever since I've known him. His eyes caught me looking at him and his frown softened slightly. He dropped his eyes to the floor and began to examine his worn converse, trying to hide his blush. His shortness was slightly comical next to Knox.

Knox was watching the scene thoughtfully, face void of any emotion. He's a handsome boy with a strong face, short brown hair, and shocking green eyes. His arms were crossed as well and the bottom of a tattoo was peeking out from under his sleeve, dark against an otherwise pale arm. Something about him reminded me of Lee. 

The scene was getting smothering. I felt too hot and it seemed like the walls were pushing in on us. The air grew thick with tension and I felt like I was trapped inside a volcano, just sitting around and waiting for it to explode. Connor's body was tense behind me, arms stiffly holding me slightly too tight. Phoenix was simply look at us, not moving at all.

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