Chapter 11

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Hey everybody!! Sorry this took so long, I've been dealing with a lot of stuff and haven't been on in a while. But heres the next chapter. I'm sorry about any weird auto-corrects or anything in advance-I'm typing on my mom's new iPad and still getting used to the keyboard. Just a heads up, I'm thinking about rewriting this story because I don't like the craziness and sloppiness that has occurred with the plot and characters. If I do decide t rewrite it, I will keep the old version up as well but I'll just post a new version under a new name and stop writing this version. I also have two or three new ideas for some boyxboy stories so i might post those too if anybody is interested I'm still looking for a cover and some final characters for this so message me or comment if you have any suggestions Let me know what you think!!! 

p.s Dedicated to that person over there because she was the first person to comment and it was awesome sooooo yeah :)


The rest of the day passed in a confusing blur. Girls were glaring at me and guys were flirting with me. The death glares I was used to but the flirting was an entirely new concept to me. I handled the newfound attention with all the grace I could muster, accepting numbers and handing out mine in return. This earned me a few hisses from Conner but he's still better than Pheix who has been ignoring me all day. I guess I hurt his ego, oh well, he can suck it up.

Phoenix continued to pout in Music Theory. Thank Gaga we had moved on to scales, I shudder to think wha he would have sang. Ezra tried t figure out what was wrong a first but after a while he gave up and just went back to teaching us. I glanced at Pheonix out of the corner of my eye throughout the class but his eyes continued to burn holes in the blackboard the entire class, never even peeking at me. He acted like this was the first time he had ever studied scales, focusing on his do-re-mi's and FACE's even though we learned them every year since the second grade. Finally I gave up and payed attention as well but the lines and spaces didn't give me any hint as to what to do.

The final bell came as a major relief. I snatched my bag off the floor as soon as it started and sprinted for the door, completely ignoring Ezra's still open mouth. Unfortunately, Pheonix had the same idea which resulted in a collision at the door.

We landed in a tangle of writhing limbs and dropped books just outside the classroom. I struggled to stand but Pheonix's legs were caught up in mine and half of his torso was laying across my back so I couldn't budge. I shoved a chemistry book out of my face and begin wiggling out from under the boy. He groaned quietly and I stopped quickly, realizing wiggling around under a testorone-charged teenage boy was going to get me nowhere. Fortunately he was trying to stand as well. Unfortunately (for him) his hand brushed down my spine and across my butt in its attempts to right his body, causing me to kick out automatically.

Borrow either if us could do any more harm a hand came into my line of sight and seeing as both of Pheonix's were busy clutching his ribs where my foot connected (not even sure how my leg got up there), it didn't belong to him. My eyes travelled up the skinny arm and registered a smiling Jake, leaning over and extending his hand toward me.

I accepted gratefully and with surprising ease for someone his size, he pulled me to my feet. Once I was standing and had finished straightening myself out, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back against a familiar chest. Connor chuckled darkly at a still struggling Phoenix while I played absentmindedly with the leather bracelet around Connor's wrist. I bought it for him back when we were little and I'd never seen him takeI off to this day.

I glanced around and realized Knox had also joined us while I had been otherwise engaged on the floor. Ew. That sounded dirty... Regardless. After a realizing a smirking Knox and grinning Jake were not going to help him, I growled quietly to myself and offered my hand to the boy on the floor, much to everyone's surprise. Pheonix's eyes went big and he cautiously took my hand, earning an angry hiss from Connor and a little gasp from Jake. Knox, of course, had no reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2012 ⏰

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