Chapter 7-It's midnight and we're starving... Let's go to Denny's! Part 2

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Time trials took forever. After our Taco Bell run, we pulled in to the Shark Tank and we've been here for the past 5-ish hours. Yeah, time trials take that long. Plus Ezra felt he had to work starts with us before we could even start time trials which took 2 hours.

So now it's 9:30 at night. The gang and I are crowded at the entrance to the Shark Tank, arguing about what to do now. Caelen and Lee want to go see a movie, Pops and Connor want to go get food, and Jackson is in the mood for something illegal. I don't really care. I was planning on working tonight but Matt was really sweet and offered to cover my shift. 

Finally Poppy and Connor win out, after much coaxing and threatening. Poppy convinces Jackson to switch to her side at the mention of the Bacon Sundae and Lee's stomach betrays him by growling loudly. 

We all start heading to the parking lot, laughing and joking. I glance back and notice Phoenix watching our group. I fully intend to pretend like I haven't seen him and keep walking but much to my dismay, Lee and Jackson see him too. They look up from their play fight long enough to smile and wave him over. 

"Hey sexy!" Jackson calls, "come to dinner with us!" I'm going to hurt that boy. I don't want to be around Phoenix, are you kidding me? So he did a couple nice things, doesn't mean he's not going to be a scumbag in the end like the rest of them. 

Please say no, I beg silently, crossing my fingers, please please please...

Phoenix saunters up to us, hands in his pockets. He glances at my expression and smirks. I glare back as hard as I can, maybe he'll get the hint. 

"Why not?" He smiles and tosses his arm over my shoulders. See? Scumbag. I shrug out of his grip but instead of deterring him, his grin only gets bigger. I lose my focus for a second, his smile is beautiful. It makes his entire face light up and for a second he doesn't look like the pissed off teenager he is. 

We continue walking towards the cars, Lee, Caelen, Poppy, and Jackson arguing over who the hottest male singer is. Lee is arguing that Christopher Drew is the cutest while Caelen thinks it is Brendan Urie. Jackson is firmly convinced that Pete Wentz is hotter than both of them and Poppy is swooning over Cameron Leahy. 

Phoenix and I just walk along in companionable silence, neither of us breaking into the conversation ahead of us, but also not starting our own. 

"Shotgun skank!" Jackson screams, sprinting for my car. Connor immediately runs to catch up, not wanting to have to force his 6 foot self into the tiny backseat of Esteban. Lee and Caelen continue to stroll over, content wherever they are. Phoenix and I laugh at the sight of Poppy holding on to the passenger door handle for dear life while Connor and Jackson try to pull her off by the waist. She may be little, but man, she is strong.

"How long before they realize that my car is locked you think?" I whisper to Phoenix. He seems shocked that I'm speaking to him but soon his smile is back in place. 

"Talking to me again Dakota Rae?" He taunts, "I thought my poor little heart would break if you didn't." I laugh along before stopping dead in my tracks at the sight ahead of me. Poppy has managed to pants Connor who is now waddling around, trying to yank his ripped levi's back into place. Jackson has Poppy pinned up against the car door with one hand and is trying to crawl into my car through the open roof. Lee and Caelen are leaning against Lee's truck, watching the whole thing but making no move to help. 

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