Chapter 46

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Ashley's Pov.

After I woke up earlier I tried to get more rest but that didn't really work out that well. My contractions have been getting closer so its become harder for me to rest in between them. Caleb has been great through it all, whenever I get a contraction hes right there beside me helping me get through the pain and comforting me.

My contractions are about 10 minutes apart as of now and Caleb thinks we should head to the hospital soon. But the thing is the closet hospital is an hour away, I don't want to get into the car, something happen and then me be stuck giving birth in the backseat of Caleb's car.

Right now Caleb is starting to fill up the huge bathtub with warm water. Michael said it helps and I'm willing to try it. I just need to get some pain relieve. Just as I entered the bathroom I felt a huge contraction come my way.

I grabbed onto the counter of the bathroom sink and leaned over it. I soon felt Caleb putting pressure onto my back to help and it did somewhat.

"You're doing so good Love."Caleb softly spoke as I was going through my contraction. I smiled and let out a relieved breath when the contraction stopped. 

I stood up, and Caleb enveloped me into a hug immediately. I gladly hugged back and rested my head on his chest. Caleb rubbed soothing circles into my back and I sighed in content, happy that Caleb is here with me. Caleb walked over to the tub and turned the water off before coming over to me. I was about to say something but there was a huge gush of water in between my legs, I looked at Caleb with wide eyes and he returned the same look. Caleb put some towels down and wiped it up before looking back at me.

"Your water broke."He smiled and I grinned back.

" Yeah."I smiled.

"Should we head to the hospital?"He asked and I shook my head no.

" Caleb I think if we do leave for the hospital I will end up giving birth in the back of your car. I think its best if we stay here and have the baby, its cleaner here and more comfortable. Our Dad's will be here soon with Michael and Luke and they can help between them they've had 13 kids. Don't you think it would be better?"I asked and Caleb hesitantly nodded.

"Yeah, I guess. Whatever you think, if you think we can't make the car ride then we'll stay here and have the baby in a calm and clean environment. The back of my car isn't the best place."He laughed and I did to. 

"Ready to get in?"He asked and I nodded.

"Caleb can you help me get my pants off, its to difficult for me right now."I pouted and he nodded and helped me out of them along with my underwear, considering I could be giving birth soon. I pulled my shirt over my head leaving me in only a sports bra, I walked over to the tub and Caleb helped me in.

I felt instant relieve when I felt the warm water on my body, I sighed in content and layed back and relaxed.Caleb smiled at me before removing his shirt and and pants leaving himself in his boxers.

"Mind if I join you?"He asks and I smile and nodded at him. I moved up a little in the tub so Caleb could sit behind me. He got in behind me and I rested my back against his chest. He wrapped both his arms around me, I rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the relieve the water was giving me.

"We should call them they said call them when your water broke."Caleb whispered and I nodded, he grabbed his phone and dialed the number putting it on speaker phone before resting it on the stool by the tub.

"Hey!" All four of them yelled and Caleb and I both smiled.

"Hi guys."Caleb greeted.

"Hows Ashley?"Dad asked, I smiled at this before answering.

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