Chapter 16

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Ashley's Pov.

I don't know how long I was alseep, but when I woke up we were stopped infront of what looked to be a cabin. I sat up and groaned, I looked around and saw that I was the only one in the car. I furrowed my eyebrows and undid my seatbelt. When I exited the van I saw my Dad and the boys all scoping the cabin out. I snuck up behind Luke and attacked him with a hug causing him to scream like a little girl.Causing me to fall to the ground laughing and the rest of the boys to turn their attention to me. Luke was trying to calm down when everyone came over towards us.

" Ashley what the fuck you gave me a heart attack."Luke said trying to catch his breath causing me to laugh even harder. I was laughing so hard tears were running down my face. The rest of the boys were laughing as well and Dad helped me up.

" Only 10 minutes of being at the cabin and we already have a story to tell everyone when we get back."Dad laughed and Luke glared at him.

Caleb came over to me and slung an arm around me and kissed the top of my head. We all headed inside considering it was a little chilly outside. We all sat down together in the nice sized lounge room. It had two big couches and a lazy boy chair. Caleb sat down on the chair and pulled me down to sit on his lap. Dad and Calum sat on one couch and Michael and Luke sat on the other. We all just snuggled up into the blankets that were on the couches and chair. We all got warm and comfortable and started chatting.

" How did you guys find this place?"I asked in awe.

This cabin was perfect. It had a very nice rustic feel. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms an eat in Kitchen and the amazing lounge room we're sitting in. I looked over and saw my Dad smiling. And Calum, Luke, and Michael had the same expression on their faces. Michael decided to speak up first.

" We found this place when we were on break after we released our first album. We just wanted a break and didn't want paparazzi around or anything. So we came here. Its 3 hours away from any major city and no one would have expected four teenage boys from a world famous band to come here for vacation." Michael smiled at the memory then Luke continued the story.

" We were here for about two weeks and it was amazing. Being here changed our lives. We met extradionary people here." Luke smiled and thats when my Dad took over.

" I met your mother here Ashley the second night we were here. She was here with 3 of her bestfriends as well. Which just so happened to be Luke, Calum's and Michael's wives. We all met the love of our life's here. It changed us." Dad smiled and I grinned at this news. This is where he met mum this is where it all started. Calum continued from where Dad left off.

" Being here changed our life's forever. We had the best time here all those years ago. We brought you two here because we were hopping since this place was so good to us it would be for you too. You two are the first ones we've brought here. We didn't bring Brandon here last year, we took him to a bar and stayed in a hotel thats about it. But we decided to bring you guys here because this is where the beginning of our future started and we're hoping it would be for you two as well. This is where we all fell in love and met the person we were destined to be with. We're hoping bringing you guys here would only strengthen your relationship and make it last in the long run." Calum grinned and the boys all nodded in agreement. I looked to my Dad and he smiled at me and gave me a reassuring nod.

" Thats so sweet. But Dad I thought you met mum at school?"I questioned and Dad gave me a sheepish grin.

" Nope I just told you guys that because your mum and I didn't want to tell you how we really met until you were brought to this cabin. Me and the boys bought this cabin all those years ago and we are going to be giving it to you and Caleb."Dad smiled and Caleb's and I's mouth's dropped.

" What?"We both asked in shock.

" We're giving it to you. You guys can come back whenever you like. We thought we would give it to you two because we think you guys will last. " Luke smiled and Caleb and I both got up and hugged all the boys. We all pulled apart after a few minutes and returned to our seats with huge smiles on our faces.

" Thank you so much guys. This place is already so special to us by just knowing that you all found someone here . Ashley and I will take great care of this place."Caleb smiled and I nodded in agreement.

" Great. Because you're here the entire week by yourself's. The boys and I rented a cabin down the road a little so you can come and get us if you need anything. We'll have dinner together twice this week to know we're all still alive and everything." Michael said standing up and Dad, Calum and Luke followed suit.

" What do you mean your leaving us here by our self's?"I asked getting up and following them to the door with Caleb trailing behind me.

" Well you don't want to be hanging around with us the whole week. We'll drop by a few times and you can come down to our cabin as well. We just thought you and Caleb would enjoy some privacy. Just be safe okay."Dad hugged me and I nodded.

We all hugged and said our goodbyes. After we waved at them, Caleb and I walked back inside and smiled at eachother.

" This week is going to be amazing." Caleb smiled,and I couldn't agree with his words anymore.

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