Chapter 4

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Caleb's Pov.

After Ashley told us what happened everyone was a mess especially me and Ashton. I can't believe Alex hes a total dick, I can't believe he would hurt someone as sweet and beautiful as Ashley. Ashley is my very bestfriend you mess with her you'll have to deal with me. She and I have been bestfriends since we were in diapers of course I'll stand up for her and hurt anyone who hurts her. When I saw her run into the house in the state she was in my heart broke seeing that a heartless asshole hurt her made me so angry. Next time I see Alex I'm going to kick the shit out of him. He hurt Ashley so he deserves whats coming to him.

Right now its 10:45pm and everyone is still over at Ashley's house. Ashley's mum Isabelle came down and comforted her for a while before she got to tired and went to bed with a sleepy Penny in her arms. Michael, Ashton, Luke, Ethan, Brandon and my Dad are all sitting on the opposite couch of Ashley and I. Shes sat on my lap once again and I'm still holding her as tight as ever. Her face is buried in my neck and I think she might be asleep. Her breathing evened out and I could hear soft snores, yup she definitely fell asleep.

" Shes sleeping." I softly spoke and everyone sent small smiles my way.

" Good...she must be exhausted. Thanks Caleb for comforting her like that." Ashton thanked and I nodded.

" It was no problem, shes my bestfriend and I hate seeing her hurt. I just wanted to make her feel better." I shrugged and my Dad smiled at me.

" I'm proud of you, you handled this situation well. Shes lucky to have you." Dad smiled and I could feel a blush coating my cheeks.

" Like I said I can't stand seeing her hurt." I smiled and they awed.

" I think someone has a crush on my sister." Ethan teased and I flipped him the finger.

" Do not." I lied with a small blush coating my cheeks, thank god its dimly lit in here so they can't see my blush or they would have seen right through my lie.

" Oh come on everyone knows you do. I totally ship Cashley." Brandon rolled his eyes, I shook my head at him with a small smile.

" Cashley seriously a ship name. How many times do I have to tell everyone I don't like Ashley that way." I lied once again.

" Sure." Brandon and Ethan rolled their eyes and I scoffed.

" Shes just my bestfriend why won't anyone believe me." I huffed but quieted down when I felt Ashley stir in her sleep.

"Because we've seen the way you look at her with such fondness, you always smile when her name is brought up, you're the first one there when shes hurt, you stand up for her, you always sneak glances at her when you think no one else is looking, your always up to cuddle her, you always go shopping with her even if its for clothes and we know for a fact no guy enjoys a girl dragging them around the mall for the day and holding their bags, you get jealous when she talks about another guy, and you almost went out tonight and beat up the guy who hurt her. Just face it you like her you maybe even love her." Michael shrugged and my jaw hung open. How did he notice all these things I thought I was being discrete. Well apparently not, if Michael noticed.

" I-I-" I started but just closed my mouth causing everyone including Dad and Ashton to laugh. I shushed them because Ashley is sleeping.

" Aww my son has a crush on one of my bestfriends daughters how cute." My Dad coed and I blushed once again.

" I called it. I always said that Caleb and Ashley would make a cute couple. Cashley all the way."Luke cheered and I groaned.

" Shh shes going to wake up." I scolded and Luke just rolled his eyes at me.

" If it makes you feel any better I think she likes you as well." Ashton spoke up making everyone turn their heads to him. My jaw dropped I thought the Dad was suppose to be all protective and not let any boy near his daughter. Not practically shipping you guys together.

" What?" I asked gobsmacked.

" She never stops talking about you, she sneaks glances at you, she always wants to spend time with you and always smiles when she sees you. I think she likes you."Ashton smiled and I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face.

" Really!?"I asked and everyone nodded.

" Just one thing Caleb you hurt my baby girl it'll be the last thing you do." Ashton said being completely serious and I gulped and nodded.

" Caleb why don't you bring Ashley up to bed." Dad suggested and I nodded. I carefully stood up and carried Ashley upstairs with her legs wrapped around my waist and her face cuddled into my neck. 

I quietly opened her bedroom door and set he gently on her bed, pulling the covers over her. I kissed her forehead and moved some stray hair behind her ear and out of her face. I looked at her one last time and smiled at her sleeping body before turning of the lights and closing her door. I headed downstairs and yawned slightly and saw my Dad, Brandon, Luke and Michael get up and head to the door.

" Ready to head home bud?" Dad asked and I nodded as another yawn escaped my lips.

" Night guys." Ashton and Ethan called as we walked out of the house.

" Night!" We all said back as we all went our separate ways.

Dad and I walked home in silence, our house was only two down from the Irwins so it wasn't far at all. When we got home all the lights were turned off and everyone was upstairs asleep. My Dad headed into the kitchen and I followed suit. Dad grabbed the milk jug out of the fridge and poured us both a glass, he handed me mine with a small smile.

" Thanks." I smiled back as he put the jug away.

" So you and Ashley?"Dad asked and I almost did a spit take, I started coughing and Dad couldn't stop laughing he came over and patted my back and I sent him a glare. Once I calmed down Dad and I sat down at the table across from eachother.

" Theres nothing going on between us I just like her." I shrugged and Dad scoffed.

" You more then like her son I can tell you love her. Even if you haven't realized it yourself you love her. You look at her the way I look at your mother. I know the look you give Ashley, its the exact same look I gave your mother when we were your age. I know you love her, I can tell. Your just like me." He smiled and boy was he right. I am in love with Ashley and him and I are practically the same person. We look alike in every way I look nothing like my mum, we have almost the exact same personality and we both love soccer. I'm pretty much just a younger version of my Dad.

" Your right Dad I do Love her but I don't know how to tell her." I sighed and Dad patted my back.

" You, me, and the boys will figure something out together. Now get to bed we can figure the rest out tomorrow." He smiled and I nodded and headed upstairs.

I quickly got changed and crawled into bed. I smiled at the thought of Ashley and fell asleep thinking about her.

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