Chapter 34

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Ashley's Pov.

As dinner went on we were all laughing uncontrollably and having such a great time. After dinner was over Brooke and I did the dishes much to Luke and Caleb's protests, as everyone else was seated in the lounge room. We were about half way done the dishes when Brooke decided to start up a conversation which I was grateful for.

" So hows everything been going with living on your own?"Brooke asked with a smile as she handed me a plate to dry.

" Its going well. Caleb and I love having our own place but it feels kinda empty. We're both so used to having at least 4 other people in the house with us but now its just us."I shrugged and Brooke nodded her head in understanding.

" All I'm going to suggest is enjoy the quiet when you can. Soon enough the baby will be here and you would kill for the silence you have now. But don't get me wrong its all worth it. 100%. I would do it all again in a heartbeat."She smiled and I couldn't help the grin that formed on my face. 

" Yeah I can't wait for this little one to come."I smiled and looked down at my small bump. I really can't wait until the baby is here.


Its been 2 weeks since Caleb and I took care of Elizabeth. If you're wondering everything went great and I didn't end up in the hospital like last time. But today I am 12 weeks pregnant so that means I have an ultrasound today and I get to hear the baby's heartbeat today. Caleb and I couldn't be more excited. 

I woke up this morning to Caleb kissing me gently on the lips and rubbing my bump with a small smile. I fluttered my eyes opened and grinned at Caleb and kissed him back softly. He smiled into the kiss and hovered over me careful not to squish me or my bump. My bump has grown a little since 10 weeks not by much but is it getting bigger, slowly but surely. I was actually talking to Mum about it and she said one day I'm just going to pop and get bigger and bigger from there on. I'm looking forward to the rest of my pregnancy but just wish that I was closer to the end of it. Caleb and I seriously can't wait for this baby. Its what we've been talking about the most lately.

" Morning baby and baby."Caleb smirked at his small joke and I rolled my eyes but smiled at him nonetheless.

" Morning Caleb." I smiled sleepily and pecked his lips once more. After we pulled away he got up and out of bed and helped me up. I don't really need the help to get up but I'll take it if hes offering it.

We both walked into our closet and started getting dressed. I picked out a All Time Low shirt, and a black pair of skinny jeans. I pulled the jeans up my legs and tried to do the button up but failed. I tried again but it still wasn't budging. I huffed and Caleb came over to me.

" Whats wrong babe?"He asked with a worried face.

" My damn jeans don't fit anymore." I mumbled and Caleb looked relieved that it wasn't anything serious.

" That's fine baby we can get you some new jeans the ones with the elastic band waist so you'll fit in them as you're bump gets bigger."He suggested and I nodded and kissed him gently.

" I guess I'll just wear my yoga pants today then."I smirked knowing Caleb loves it when I wear yoga pants. He groaned sightly and I turned away from him and slipped them on. 

I felt arms wrap around my waist and I smiled to myself. Caleb started kissing my neck and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. I could feel Caleb smirk against my skin, he then began sucking at my skin. Earning another moan from me, he soothed my aching flesh with his tongue and pulled away. Just then the doorbell rung. 

" Perfect timing."Caleb smirked as he went downstairs to answer the door. I glared at his back as he was leaving, hes such a tease sometimes.

I finished getting dressed and headed downstairs. When I got downstairs I heard laughing coming from the kitchen. I walked in and was greeted by Dad, Calum, Michael,Luke and Caleb all laughing at something that I have no idea about.

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