Chapter 37

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Ashley's Pov.

Ethan headed home a few hours later considering Mum and Dad were both home now and wanted to chat with him about his little fight. So this once again left Caleb and I home alone, to find something to do that will take our boredom away.

" I'm bored."I sighed and Caleb nodded his head in agreement before smirking at me.

" I have an idea."Caleb smirked before scooting closer to me on the couch and starting to kiss my neck. I smiled and leaned my head to the side to give him more access.

I moaned out as he started nipping at my neck, that only encouraged him more and more. Caleb hands started wandering but froze as we heard the doorbell ring. We both sighed before I got up to go and answer the door with Caleb following closely behind. I opened the door with a smile but that soon faltered as I saw Avery on our doorstep with tears in her eyes.

" Avery whats wrong?"I asked pulling her into the house and closing the door behind her. She just cried and I tightly embraced her. I gave Caleb a look and he nodded and went upstairs, I think she'll open up better if no one else is in the room with us. I led Avery into the lounge room and we both sat on the couch, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she leaned into my touch and buried her head in the crook of my neck as she continued to cry. I rubbed her back soothingly and smoothed some hair out of her face.

" Whats wrong?"I coed and she sniffed before mumbling a few incoherent words. She released from my hold before sniffing once again before taking a deep breath before starting.

"I was walking home from school earlier and one of the popular girls was walking behind me, I didn't pay much attention until she tripped me and started yelling at me. She said I was a slut and that since I'm friends with you I am one. Someone saw you today at school and saw that you're pregnant so they started rumors and stuff, I tried to straighten them up but they wouldn't listen. The girl she picked on me and called me every name under the book. I came here because I thought you should know that there were rumors about you going around." Avery sniffled and I brought her into another hug trying to comfort her some.

" Its okay Avery, if you have a problem with her again tell me her name and I'll bitch her out for you if you'd like."I asked and she laughed a little before pulling away and giving me a small smile.

" You're the best Ashley."Avery grinned.

" You don't have to tell me something I already know."I joked and she only rolled her eyes at me.

" So are you really okay?"I asked and she nodded with a smile.

" Yeah I'm sorry for coming over here, I just didn't want to bother Dad or Brandon they've been really busy lately."Avery apologized and I waved her off.

" Your always welcome here, don't apologize. I'm always happy to help."I smiled and she nodded at me and stood up wiping her eyes.

" Thanks Ashley, but I'm going to head home I promised Mum I would take care of Jeremy for a bit tonight."She smiled as she bent down to give me another hug. After the hug she walked out of the house before closing the door after her.

I stood up from the couch and headed upstairs, I walked into mine and Caleb's room and saw that he was laying on the bed with her phone in hand. I smiled at him and crawled in bed next to him and cuddled into his side. He smiled at me and pecked my lips.

"So whats with Avery?"Caleb asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist and rested his hand on my bump. I smiled at him before answering.

" Just some bitch from school, she was calling her names and everything. People are making fun of her because they saw us at school today and saw I was pregnant. But I couldn't care less of what those people think, I told Avery if she has another problem come to me and I'll deal with the bitch."I spoke as I cuddled into Caleb's embrace more. He smiled widely at me and kissed my head while rubbing my baby bump gently.

" I'm proud of you baby. But please don't hurt yourself or the baby."Caleb pleaded and I nodded with a smile.

" I promise." I grinned at him.


Later that night Caleb and I went over to the Clifford's house they invited us over to dinner and we gladly accepted. After Avery left today Caleb and I cuddled and took a nap the only reason we woke up is because Michael phoned us and asked us to come for dinner. So that's how we ended up letting our self's into the Clifford's house. Michael doesn't mind us just coming in he said its fine if it one of us.

We walked hand in hand into the lounge room and smiled at everybody. Michael got up and hugged both Caleb and I. We gladly hugged him back and Michael smiled widely at me as we pulled away.

" You're just getting bigger every day now."He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him but smiled nonetheless.

" Yeah...she is and we couldn't be more excited for the baby."Caleb grinned as he sat down in one of the recliners in the lounge room.

"How far along are you again?"Brandon asked with a smile, I grinned at him and rested my hand on my bump and stroked it slightly.

"14 weeks."I smiled as I looked down at my bump. 

" Baby!"Jeremy screamed in excitement as he ran over to me with his arms up. I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"Baby?"Jeremy asked looking around the room trying to find the baby. Everyone laughed at his cuteness and I smiled at him widely as I sat on the couch. I set him in my lap facing me.

" No Jeremy there's no baby, but there is one in here."I said and pointed to my stomach. He looked at me wide eyed and with his mouth slightly agape, I have to admit that it was pretty cute.

" You ate baby?"He asked with a look of horror on his face. I laughed and shook my head no.

" No, the baby stays in my tummy until its ready to come out. The baby isn't big and strong enough to come out yet." I tried to explain the best I could so the little 3 year old in my lap would understand.

Jeremy nodded and looked down at my bump. He smiled and kissed it gently. I awed at his cuteness along with everyone else.

"Love you baby."He grinned, and everyone including me awed once again at the most adorable 3 year old ever.

" When baby be ready?"Jeremy asked with dough eyes, I smiled and kissed his forehead.

" In a little while."I smiled and he nodded and rested his head on my bump and cuddled further into me. I smiled down at him and ran my hands through his hair gently.

Jeremy is the cutest. If mine and Caleb's baby is like Jeremy I wouldn't mind that at all.

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