Chapter 24

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Ashley's Pov.

Caleb and I cuddled for a while and he eventually passed out. I guess getting your ass kicked is tiring. I got out of Caleb's bed much to my own protest. I really wish that I could have stayed and cuddled with him but I should asses the damage downstairs. I have to see how everyone is feeling about me and Caleb having a baby. 

I walked downstairs and was greeted by mine and Caleb's parents in the lounge room. From what I could tell Michael, Luke and their wives were outside with the rest of the kids. I walked over to the couch and plopped down right beside my Dad. He smiled at me and kissed my head. There was an awkward silence in the room until Calum decided to break it.

" How's Caleb?"He asked and I relaxed more at the ease of the silence.

" He's fine, nothing to serious. He's asleep right now."I shrugged and everyone nodded, and once again an awkward silence fell upon us. I sighed and decided the only way this silence was going to be broken is by myself. I took a deep breath in and started to speak.

" I know what you're probably thinking Mum and Callie, a baby already? Well I can tell you for sure that this was not planned. When I found out Dad was with me and I was a mess, and when I told Caleb I was the exact same way. I'm terrified, a baby is a huge responsibility and I don't know how Caleb and I are going to handle it. I can guarantee you guys that Caleb and I are to keep this baby and we are going to be the baby's parents. I know its going to be tough and Caleb does to but we can do this. We just might need a little help here and there. Its not like I'm completely clueless about babies, there's been enough kids being born in the last few years that I know stuff about them. We just need help. And were hoping that you're not to disappointed in us."I explained and Mum and Callie both had shocked looks on their faces. Ashton and Calum had small smiles on their faces obviously proud about my little speech.

" We're not disappointed in you sweetheart were just a little surprised. We didn't really expect this. Of course we'll help you. I know how scary it is to have a baby for the first time, and I was 23 when your father and I had you and Ethan. I can't even imagine whats going through your head right now, we'll help you as much as we can baby girl."Mum promised and I smiled at her and Callie nodded along with every word Mum said.

"We could never be disappointed in you or Caleb for this. We know that these things happen even if you do everything you can to prevent it. How do you think Calum and I got stuck with Caleb."Callie joked and we all laughed.

" Rude." Caleb called as he came downstairs, I jumped at the sound of his voice because he was sleeping only a few minutes ago. He came over and sat down next to me and intertwined our hands together then rested them on his knee. Our parents smiled at the small gesture and my heart warmed. I'm glad everyone is fine with the news of the baby, well almost everyone. That reminds me I still need to talk to Ethan.

" Dad wheres Ethan?"I asked and everyone looked at me in shock, except Dad who smiled small before answering my question.

" Hes at home, I sent him there after his fight with Caleb."Dad informed and I nodded before  getting up and heading to the door.

" I need to talk to him."I said as I was walking towards the front door.

"Do you want me to come with you?"Caleb asked but I shook my head.

" No this is something I have to do myself, and I think hes needs some space from you for a little bit." I insured and Caleb nodded before standing up and coming over to me. He pecked my lips and smiled down at me.

" Good luck."

With that I headed out of the Hood's house and headed over to mine. The short walk was nice and I found myself in a somewhat better mood as I headed inside my house. I walked upstairs and made a beeline to Ethan's room, I knocked softly before entering. I saw Ethan sitting on his bed with his head in his hands shaking his head. He looked really upset.

"Ethan."I called softly and his head whipped in my direction at the sound of my voice. He looked shocked at my presence but smiled small at me as I sat down beside him on his bed.

"I'm here to hear you out Ethan, I'm still pissed off about what you did to Caleb but I'm willing to let you explain."I told and he nodded, he took a deep breath in and out before starting.

"I really am sorry for what I did to Caleb. I was just so mad about him getting you pregnant that I couldn't control myself. I was pissed off that you got pregnant. I just want to protect you, and I thought beating him up would in a way. I'm just so confused right now. You guys have been dating for about 2 months and you're pregnant. Out of everyone to get pregnant when they were a teenager I wouldn't have thought it be you. I'm happy that your having a baby and all but I'm worried about you. I'm worried that your whole life will be thrown off track because of this baby."Ethan explained and I found myself getting teary eyed at his response. He was only trying to look out for me, he just did it in a bad way.  He just wants to make sure I'm happy and all.

" Ethan, I'm happy. Of course I'm scared about having a baby at this age but I have so many people to help me if I need it. And Caleb isn't leaving hes sticking around. He loves me and loves this baby and hes not going anywhere, I'm not doing this alone I have Caleb, and all of you. And this baby may throw my life off track but I will be able to do what I want to do for a career later, I may just have to wait a little longer then I thought I would. I love you so much Ethan but please next time talk to me don't resort to violence."I pleaded and he nodded.

I smiled and pulled him into a hug, he gladly reciprocated. 

" I love you Ashley."

" I love you to Ethan, your a great brother." I sighed. I'm glad we fixed things and figured things out.

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