Chapter 21

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Ashley's Pov.

Its been about a month and a half since we all got back from the trip and everythings been going good. Caleb and I are as close as ever, Penny's drumming lessons with Dad are going great, and everyone is doing fine.

Right now I'm just getting out of bed. Its a Saturday morning so I slept in a while. Right as I was about to get out of bed, there was a knock on my door. I yawned as the person came walking in. It was none other then my Dad with a dimpled grin on his face. I smiled and he sat down on the edge of my bed.

" Morning sweetie." Dad smiled and I was about to answer back when a wave of nausea came over me. I knew I wouldn't make it to the toilet in time so I picked up my garbage can and emptied the contents of my stomach into it. Dad came over and held my hair back and rubbed my back soothingly as I continued to heave into the garbage can. After a minute or so I was finished, so I set the garbage bin down and hugged my Dad who was now sitting right beside me.

I always find comfort in his hugs. They always make me feel a lot better. Dad sighed and rubbed my back as I continued to hug him.

" You feeling any better sweetheart?"Dad asked as I buried my head farther into his chest, I shook my head no.

" No I feel like shit." I mumbled and I did feel like absolute shit. My stomach ached and I was moody.Maybe my periods comin-...wait Oh Shit! I tensed in my Dads arms and he noticed and pulled away. Tears started to stream down my face, and my Dad looked shocked at my sudden out burst. But nonetheless he hugged me again comforting me. I sobbed into his chest.

" Ashley whats wrong baby girl?"He asked and I only cried harder. I had to tell him. I couldn't tell anyone but him at this moment. I know my Dad will be here and support me. I pulled away and looked up at my Dad, he had a worried look on his face. He brought his hands up to my cheeks and wiped my tears away. He gave me an expectant look and I sighed and sniffled.

" Dad I'm late." I mumbled, I looked at him and by the look on his face he knew exactly what I meant. His face no longer held worry, it now held concern, anger and what looked like pity. He pulled me into another bone crushing hug and let me sob into his shirt. He smoothed my hair out and gently rubbed my back.

" Shhh baby girl, everything will be fine." He soothed and I only cried harder. This just shows how truly amazing my Dad is. Most parents would push their kid away and want nothing to do with them, but my Dad would never do that.Dad kissed my head and rocked me back and forth.

" Baby girl, we'll get a test today and you can take it. How does that sound?"He asked and I nodded my head and sniffled. I pulled away from him and he offered me a small smile.

" Thanks Dad." I smiled small, he nodded and started speaking again.

" Are you going to tell Caleb, so he can be here when you take the pregnancy test?"Dad asked and I instantly shock my head no.

" No, I don't want to tell him until I take the test. I don't want to worry him and find out I'm not pregnant. Dad will you be there with me while I'm waiting for the results?"I asked and he instantly nodded.

"Of course, baby girl. I'll go out and get it right now. I think we actually might have one somewhere around here." Dad pondered and my face grew in disgust and he rolled his eyes at me.

" Your mum bought one a little over a year ago, for Brooke but she already took a test before your mum bought it. I'll go check my bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." He smiled a reassuring smile and left the room, leaving me in my thoughts.

I hope to god that I'm not pregnant, I'm only 16 and Caleb and I just graduated high school. We were planning on going to college in a year or so, but if we have a baby that will throw off our whole plan. I know life is full of curve balls but I just hope this once misses me. Before I knew it Dad came back walking in with a the pregnancy test box in his hands. He smiled at me and passed it to me, he kissed my forehead and gave me a reassuring smile as I went into my bathroom to take the test.

I closed and locked the door, before ripping open the box with shaky hands. Soon enough the box was open and I was taking the test. I quickly zipped up my pants and washed my hands. Before grabbing the test and heading out of the bathroom. Dad was sitting on my bed with his head in his hands. I gulped and walked over and sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I wrapped my hand around the test not wanting to look at it just yet. Dad sighed and took the test out of my hands before looking at it himself. I looked at any sign on his face of the news but there was none he kept his face blank of any emotion, his eyes flickered down to the test once again and he let a small smile grace his lips.

" What?"I asked, and he only smiled and handed me the test. I looked down and my heart dropped as I saw the + sign. I felt like I was going to be sick.

" I'm pregnant." I mumbled and rested my hand on my stomach. I started crying all over again and Dad hugged me again and rubbed my back soothingly.

" Its okay, I'm here. You'll be fine, everything will be fine."Dad insured and I only cried harder. I gasped when I came to a realization.

" How am I going to tell Caleb?"


Later that day I received a text from Caleb asking to come over. I texted him back and replied with come over whenever, but I'm not feeling to good. To which he replied with a sad face emoji. Ten minutes later Caleb came walking into my bedroom with a container of chicken noddle soup and a box of tissues. He smiled as he walked towards me and sat down next to me on my bed. He kissed my forehead then sat the tissue's and chicken noodle soup down on my beside table. He looked over and smiled at me once again, and I frowned when I realized I had to ruin his good mood and tell him the news.

Caleb's Pov.

I furrowed my eyebrows when Ashley frowned at me, and before I knew what was going on Ashley was sobbing and was in a mess of tears. I hugged her and she started mumbling words.

" I'm sorry Caleb, I'm sorry." She said and I furrowed my eyebrows once again. What does she have to be sorry about?

" Whats wrong baby?"I asked and she wiped her nose with her sleeve and looked up at me with big tear filled eyes.

" I-i'm pregnant Caleb." She cried and my heart literally stopped. Shes pregnant. I shook my thoughts away and comforted her. I kissed her head and rocked her back in forth in my arms hoping that would give her some type of comfort.

" Shh, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you."I said as I was rubbing her back.

" I love you Caleb."

" I love you to Baby, and I love this baby to. We can make this work. We'll figure it out as it comes along." I insured and she nodded with a small smile tugging on her lips.

" You're amazing." She mumbled sleepily.

" No where near as amazing as you."I smiled and she only grinned. I rested my hand on her stomach and smiled down at it, I leaned down and kissed it gently.

" Hi baby, it's your Daddy I love you so much."I smiled and kissed her stomach once more before kissing her lips gently. We can do this, we'll figure this all out. Ashley and I can do this.

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