Chapter 13

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Ashton's Pov.

Today my baby  girl is graduating high school and I couldn't be more proud of her. She has an A+ average, shes valedictorian, shes found love and she is such a good person. I know what you're thinking you're thinking that I'm only saying this because I'm her Dad and I have to but she is really amazing. I couldn't be more proud. Ethan's a little bit jealous of her though for getting to graduate before him, but hes happy for her nonetheless.

Right now Isabelle is doing my tie up for me, because even after all these years I still don't now how to do it. She smiled at me and pecked m lips after she was done. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She had a small frown on her face and I could see tears collect at the corners of her eyes.

" Whats wrong baby?"I asked, and she sighed.

"Our little girl is graduating. I don't want her to. Before we know it shes going to be in uni, she'll move out, get married and have kids. I just don't want her to leave." She pouted and I nodded in agreement.

" Its going to be fine Honey. She'll do great, she'll visit and she'll make us the cutest grand kids ever. We still have Ethan and Penny after she leaves. Penny is only 7." I assured and she nodded with a small smile.

" I never got it before. My mum always said kids grow up to fast, I didn't get it until now." She sighed and I nodded my head. Because I 100% agree.

" They do. Its feels like yesterday Ashley was sitting on my lap with me teaching her how to play the drums. They grow up to fast. But they'll still be around. Like you said soon enough we'll have grandkids and we'll be able to steal them for a day or two." I laughed and she let out a small giggle.

" Your right. I'm just being emotional." She laughed lightly as she wiped the tears of her cheeks. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

" You're not being emotional. Its completely normal to react like this. My mum was a mess when I graduated. Its okay." I reassured her and she nodded and hugged me resting her head on my chest. I hugged back and there was a knock on the door. A second later Ashley came in.

She looked beautiful. She wore a purple sundress and had black flats on. She came over and joined our hug. Isabelle wrapped both her arms around Ashley and I wrapped my arms around both of them. I sighed and enjoyed the hug while it lasted. After a few minutes we pulled away.

" Penny is dressed and downstairs with Ethan." Ashley smiled.

" Thanks baby girl did you finish your speech?"I asked and she nodded with a smile.

" Yup and I can't wait for you guys to hear it."She practically screamed as she ran downstairs. I rolled my eyes and took Isabelle's hand and walked downstairs with her.


Caleb's Pov.

Right now we just made it to the school and Ashley and I separated from everyone else to go and get our cap and gown. We're walking hand and hand down the hall and had wide smiles across our faces. I looked down at her and she looked stunning.

" You look amazing." I whispered and she blushed.

"Not so bad yourself." She complemented and I blushed as well.

We made it to the room and got our caps and gowns. I helped Ashley into her gown and placed her cap on her head. I put my gown on and she placed my cap on my head. I smiled at her and pecked her lips

" Everyone in order." The principal called and I groaned. I pecked her on the lips once again and gave her a quick hug.

" I'll see you later. Can't wait for your speech." I smiled and she grinned and kissed my cheek before going to the beginning of the line because she has to because of her speech.

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