Chapter 18

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Caleb's Pov.

I woke up the next day with a huge smile on my face. I had my arms wrapped around Ashley tightly and her head was rested in the crook of my neck. I could hear soft snores escaping her lips indicating that she was still sleeping. I looked down at her with a smile on my face. Shes so beautiful, I don't even know how I managed to make her mine. My thoughts were disturbed when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered it without even checking the caller ID.

" Hello?"I asked in a groggy morning voice.

" Caleb get your ass out of bed and let us in your cabin. We came over for breakfast now let us in."Michael practically yelled and I laughed a low chuckle.

"I'll be down in a minute." I laughed and hung up the phone.

I carefully got out of bed and rested Ashley's head on a pillow gently. I kissed her forehead before heading down stairs, in only a pair of track pants. Its only my Dad and the boys it so why bother putting a shirt on. I ran downstairs quickly and opened the cabin door for them.

" Thank God its freezing." Luke huffed as he walked inside with everyone following behind.

They all hung up their coats and headed into the lounge room. I followed suit and sat in the chair and they all spread out between the two couches. I let out a small yawn and the boys all laughed.

" Did we wake you?"Michael asked with a smirk to which I rolled my eyes at.

" No...I just woke up like a minute before you called." I shrugged and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

" Is Ashley still asleep?"Ashton asked and I simply nodded.

" I was before you guys came in and made a bunch of noise." Ashley called out from where she was standing by the stair case with her arms crossed over her chest.

She looked amazing today. She had one of my hoodies on and a pair of track pants, with her pink bunny slippers on her feet. I smiled at her as she sat down on my lap. I kissed her temple and she grinned and pecked my cheek before turning her attention to the boys.

" Nice slippers Ashley." Michael laughed and Ashley flipped him off.

" Shut up there warm. Plus pink bunny slippers are cute."She defended and Michael only rolled her eyes at her.

" What do we have planned for today?"Ashley asked.

" Were going to have some breakfast here and then just chill and do whatever we feel like." Dad shrugged and Ashley and I nodded in agreement. I have to admit that does sound nice.

" So who's making breakfast?"Michael asked and all eyes instantly turned to Ashton and Ashley.

"Fine we'll cook but if I burn myself again you guys are cooking for the rest of the stay." Ashley warned and we all nodded.

Ashley then got off of my lap and headed into the kitchen with Ashton to start making breakfast for all of us. I smiled as she walked out, I turned my attention back to the boys and saw them all looking at me with small smirks on their faces especially my Dad.

" What?"I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

" You're starring."Dad laughed and I rolled my eyes.

" Shes my girlfriend I'm allowed."I shrugged. 

" You're so whipped."Michael laughed.

" So are all of you. I can't help it, neither can you guys."I shrugged and they nodded in agreement.

Ashley's Pov.

Dad and I headed into the kitchen to start on breakfast. Apparently him and the boys stocked up the fridge when I was alseep in the van yesterday. I opened up the fridge and got the bacon and eggs out of it while Dad got the pots set on the stove top.

" Bacon and eggs sound good?"I asked Dad and he nodded.

" Sounds good."He smiled and took the bacon from my hands and opened the package up and started cooking it.

I smiled and cracked around 10 eggs and mixed them together in a small dish before pouring them in the pan. Scrambled eggs are the easiest eggs to make. I popped some toast in the toaster, and soon enough breakfast was done.

" Ashley call them in will you?"Dad asked as he was setting the table up, I nodded and headed into the lounge room to get the boys. When I entered they were all laughing and Caleb looked so happy. A warm feeling spread through my body and I smiled at the sight of him looking happy.

" Boys breakfast." I called and they all turned to me with smiles on their faces.

Each of the boys walked past me and kissed my forehead thanking me for breakfast and heading into the kitchen. Caleb came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked my lips. I grinned at him and wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing softly. He smiled and kissed me back almost instantly but we were interupted by someone clearing their throat. I turned my head to look in the direction the noise came from and rolled my eyes when seeing Luke and Michael standing in the doorway with smirks on their faces and arms crossed across their chests.

" You guys coming, or would you rather make out all day?"Luke asked with a raised brow. I rolled my eyes and released Caleb and walked over to them. I rolled my eyes at them and walked into the kitchen. I heard them scoff from behind me and I couldn't help the grin that stretched across my face.

We all grabbed some food and headed to the table that was in the corner of the kitchen, we all sat down and began to eat. All of us sharing small talk until Luke looked at Caleb and his jaw dropped.

" Is that a hickey?"Luke asked with a voice filled with amusement. Caleb and I blushed fiercely and everyone started laughing including our Dad's which is odd considering I thought they would be freaking out over this.

Caleb and I looked at eachother with small grins but still flushed cheeks. I drew my attention to my plate and didn't look at anyone. Its embarassing having someone see a hickey that you made. 

" Why are you laughing Dad and Ashton, I thought you would be mad?"Caleb asked as if he was reading my mind. They both shrugged and I rolled my eyes at them.

" We knew stuff like that was going to happen eventually and we trust you two so why be mad."Dad said with a small grin and my blush only grew.

Caleb and I have weird parents. If any other parent would have seen Caleb's hickey they would be enraged. But of course our's just laugh it off.

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