Chapter 35

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Ashley's Pov.

After we received the pictures of mine and Caleb's baby we hugged and said goodbye to Dr.Collins. He smiled and said he would see us at our next appointment which would be at at 20 weeks. He said since there were no problems this ultrasound we don't have to come back until then. But since he knew about my little mishap a few weeks ago he said if I experience anymore cramping or bleeding that I make my way to the hospital immediately. 

In what seemed like no time we were all back home. We all decided that we would just hang out and enjoy each others company at mine and Caleb's house. We all walked into the house and Caleb and I were surprised to see all my family, his family, the Hemmings' and the Clifford's. We were all tackled by hugs and I couldn't help the huge smile that appeared on my face. After we all settled down Caleb and I sat down on the recliner like we usually do and Ethan and Lucy were sitting on the other chair all cuddled up. They started dating last week thanks to Dad and myself. Brandon and Abby were on the floor in front of their chair and the parents were all seated on the couches. Everyone else was on the floor looking at me and Caleb with expectant looks. We both laughed and I started talking about the baby.

" Everything went well. The baby is healthy and we heard its heartbeat today. It was amazing in every single way."I gushed and everyone awed.

" Yeah today was amazing. But before the ultrasound started some lady in the waiting room was being a total ass and causing trouble with Ashley."Caleb muttered and Brooke, Callie, Anne, Mum, Ethan, and Brandon all gasped.

" Do I need to go and teach this woman a lesson?"Mum asked with an angry look on her face. Dad put his hand on hers and kissed her cheek, causing her to calm down slightly.

" Isabelle you don't need to at all, Ashley handled it very well. She pretty much bitched her out with out all the swears. It was actually pretty scary how calm she was."Luke shivered to add affect. I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed at him.

" Well anyone who knows me knows not to start a fight with me. Because I can seriously bitch anyone out like its nothing."I shrugged and everyone nodded in agreement. Most of the people in this room have had been on the other side of me bitching at them and they know how bad it is. While in other cases I stood up for someone in this room and the person I bitched at may or may not have left the room crying, and or hurt in some way. You mess with someone I love your going to see a whole other side of me.

" That is so true." Ethan nodded, he knows that side of me the best. Him and I fight all the time but we still love each other nonetheless.

" You know you love me." I smiled at Ethan and he rolled his eyes at me and nodded.

" Unfortunately."He smirked and I scoffed at him.

" Ethan don't be rude to you sister." Lucy scolded him and hit him upside the head. We all laughed and Ethan pouted with his arms crossed over his chest.

" Sorry."He mumbled and Lucy smiled at her victory. God my brother is already so whipped.


A few hours later, Caleb and I were once again alone in this huge house we call our home. It still feels so empty here with only Caleb and I living here. We're used to commotion and loudness, the quiet is nice but its weird. 

Right now Caleb and I are cuddled up under a blanket on one of the couches in the basement. We were playing our instruments for a while and then decided to just go cuddle on the couch. I was laying right on top of Caleb, I was on my side though so I wouldn't squish my baby bump. Caleb and I both had a hand each on my bump. He was gently stroking it and I smiled into his neck. I kissed his neck softly and he smiled at me and tightened his hold on me.

" I love you."He mumbled softly. My heart warmed at his words and I left another soft kiss on his neck.

" I love you to."I grinned and cuddled into his neck further.

" Its weird having the house so quiet." Caleb groaned and I nodded in agreement.

" It is. I enjoy it and everything, but its just so weird. I like having a full house."I added and Caleb nodded at me.

" Yeah me to, I hope you're ready because I want like 5 kids."Caleb chuckled and I sat up a little bit and looked him dead in the eye to see if he was being serious.

" Are you serious?"I asked with a small smile.

" Yes I am. And if you would let me have more I would have more. I want as many as possible."He grinned and I awed at him.

"I want as many as possible as well. I love babies, and kids. I want like a thousand." I exaggerated and Caleb and laughed and rubbed my bump lightly once again.

" Lets start with this little one and see where we go from there."He suggested and I nodded.

"Okay but we are definitely having more kids."I assured and Caleb nodded and pecked my lips.

" Without a doubt."He smiled at me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

" What are you hoping for?"I asked, because I've been wondering for a while.

" Honestly I don't care. As long as our baby is healthy. But I have always wanted a daughter first."Caleb smiled and I grinned at him and left a small kiss on his shoulder.

" As long as the baby is healthy I don't care. Boy or girl it doesn't matter." I mumbled into his shoulder.

" Oh come on baby, you want to have one you want more then another."Caleb pressed and I smiled and blushed slightly. I dug my head into his shoulder more before answering his question.

" I want a baby boy because he would look exactly like you." I smiled shyly and Caleb awed at me, causing a deeper blush to form on my face.

" That's so cute baby. The reason I want a girl is because I want someone who looks exactly like you. I want to have a baby girl that has the beauty of her Mum."Caleb confessed and I awed at him and pecked his lips.

" If only we were having twins. We could have had one girl and one boy." I pouted and Caleb smiled at me.

" We'll have one of each someday baby. Lets just be grateful for the one were getting in a few months." He smiled and continued to draw delicate designs on my bump with his lean fingers. I smiled and cuddled further into him and yawned. He let out a low chuckle and I smiled at him sleepily.

" Goodnight baby, I love you."He mumbled into my hair and kissed my head. I kissed his neck and yawned once again.

" I love you to Caleb." I mumbled before closing my eyes and letting the sleep take over.

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