Chapter 32

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Ashley's Pov.

Its been a few days since we all gathered at mine and Caleb's house and its went pretty well. I'm now 8 weeks pregnant, and I have noticed that I am getting a little baby bump. I think it to noticeable for this early in my pregnancy but Caleb insists that it isn't and that its cute. I rolled my eyes at that but he kissed me and I couldn't help but smile at him.

" Babe do you know where I left my phone?"Caleb asked coming into his bedroom. He stopped half way in and raised his eyebrow at me and crossed his arms over his chest when he saw that I had his phone.

" Nope haven't seen it." I laughed and Caleb only smirked at me, before jumping on the bed and hovering over me. He kissed me softly and I gladly kissed back. My grip loosened on his phone and that's when he took his chance and took his phone right out of my hands.

But I couldn't really care less right now. I'm more focused on kissing Caleb the anything else right now. He moved from my lips and down to my jaw. He planted a few short kisses there before pulling away and getting off the bed. I pouted at him and he only laughed.

" Sorry Babe I have to go. I'm meeting my Dad at his house for a little bit, I won't be back for a while. You should go over to your family's house and visit them too."Caleb suggested and I found myself nodding along. I got out of bed, grabbed my phone and headed over to Caleb. I planted a soft kiss on his lips before heading downstairs.

We walked together and Caleb kissed me quickly when we made it to my childhood home.

" I'll see you in a few hours. Love you Babe." Caleb smiled.

" Love you too."I smiled back before heading into the house. I didn't bother knocking because I was just living here over a week ago and plus they are my family.

I walked around and found Dad in the kitchen sitting at the table sipping some coffee. I smiled as his back was not facing me, I decided to sneak up on him. I tip toed to him and threw my arms around him in a somewhat of a backwards hug. He tensed but soon relaxed as I started laughing. I pulled away and sat across from him. He smiled widely at me and I gladly returned it.

" Hi baby girl. Hows everything going?"He asked as he set his coffee cup on the table.

" Good. I came over considering Caleb's going to be gone all day with his Dad and decided to hang out with you. Have some father daughter time if you're up for it." I smiled and Dad grinned and nodded his head.

" Of course, I would love to. Your mum, Ethan, and Penny are actually out right now as well so this is perfect timing. I was getting a little bored. The house feels so empty with you gone."Dad sighed and I grinned at him.

" I'm not that far away Dad. I'm right across the street, and you are more then welcome to come over whenever you want."I offered and Dad's smile only stretched.

" I plan to take you up on that offer."


Dad and I decided to spend our time together just chatting and catching up. We haven't really talked a lot in the last few days. I was taking it easy because of Caleb's request and was getting morning sickness at least 5 times a day making me not want to move let alone leave the house. So when Dad suggested we just hang around the lounge room chilling I was more then happy to agree with it. Right now Dad I were just talking about random shit when an idea dawned upon me.

" Dad we need to set Ethan up on a date, and I know the perfect candidate." I smiled deviously. Dad furrowed his eyebrows at me.

" Who?"He asked and I smirked.

"Lucy...shes kinda have a crush on Ethan for a while now and Ethan has had one on her as well."I smiled and Dad's jaw dropped.

" Seriously! First you and Caleb, then Brandon and Abby now Ethan and Lucy. I wasn't even expecting one of ours kids to get to together now there's all these couples. Whats next?"Dad asked with a laugh, I shrugged and smiled small.

" I already ship Jeremy and Elizabeth."I joked and Dad rolled his eyes.

" Elizabeth can't even walk yet, don't get to far ahead of yourself."He giggled and I couldn't help but giggle as well. My Dads giggle is just contagious.

" Yeah I know but who knows they might get together some day. You and everyone else thought that Caleb and I were going to get together so who knows they might to."I shrugged and Dad nodded and smiled at me.

" How is everything going between you and Caleb?"He asked and my grin only widened.

" Amazing. Hes been so great lately. But I just wish he wouldn't be so overprotective of me sometimes. Last night I tried to put some dishes away on the step stool and he completely freaked out when he walked in." I sighed and Dad only smiled at me.

" He just wants to make sure you're okay. And you really shouldn't be on stools now, you could fall again. I know what you're thinking hes over reacting but he isn't really. Just last week you were in the hospital and thought you were going to lose the baby. Caleb's just trying to make sure that doesn't happen." Dad reasoned and I nodded. I guess, Caleb was right and I don't want to worry him more then he already is.

" Thanks Dad." I smiled and he waved it off.

" That's what I'm here back to the baby do you have your next appointment set up?"He asked and I nodded excitedly.

" Its actually a month from today...I scheduled it last night. I actually can't wait to hear the heart beat. And of course you and the boys are invited to come again." I smiled and Dad grinned at me.

" We wouldn't miss it for the world sweetie."

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