76- The Masquerade Ball

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And then, laughing at the look on her face, I headed back to class.


"How do you think we'll snag an invite?" Sam whispered to me, covering it up by pretending to search for a book in her bag.

"I haven't thought about it yet," I replied in the same hushed tones, putting my hand over my mouth, faking a yawn.

"Does your father know anybody here who could get us invites?" she whispered again, bending her head down.

"You kidding? We're new here!" I replied, bringing my English book up to hide my face.

"Is Cal going?"

I didn't reply, waiting for Ms. Cynthia to pass by our seats.

"He should, I guess. Didn't say anything, though," I murmured once the coast was clear.

Sam paused.

"Do you think he could...?"

"I guess so. I don't want to ask, though."

"Yeah, I guess," Sam whispered back sadly.

"Don't worry, Sam. We'll get the invites, defo. Just have to figure out how."

"I hope so, Kay," she answered, her low tone wistful. "There're so many rumors you know... People say there're so many traditions at the ball, there's this old goblet all the guests must drink from, and-"


Both of us jumped up, staring into the purple face of Ms. Cynthia.


Trembling, I got to my feet, my cheeks red from embarrassment. Beside me, I could almost feel the heat from Sam's face.

Ms. Cynthia approached us slowly, her eyes wild although her tone was deadly low now.

"So, what were my two precious students discussing about, that they thought was more important than Shakespeare?"

I could see the smirks our classmates gave to each other.

"Well, answer me! What was so interesting that both of you couldn't wait to talk about in my class?"

Sam and I kept mum.

"I shall repeat my question one last time. What was-"

"We were talking about the Masquerade Ball, ma'am," I finally answered, trying to keep my temper in check. More smirks were exchanged- even Ms. Cynthia gave us one.

Perfectly Imperfect 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora