54- Let's Forget About All This Madness

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"Step in," I mumbled, closing the door behind him.

Cal stood awkwardly in my living room, as if it was suddenly his first time here. I sighed, and grabbed his hand to support him.

"Let's go upstairs, baby."

"Where are everybody else?"

"Out," I said flatly. No need to tell him that they were all purposely staying outside to get their minds of Cal and his crazy ideas. I thought.

Entering my room, I sat Cal on my bed and cuddled next to him, holding his arm. For a few minutes, none of us said anything; I was wondering how many more bad news I could take, whilst Cal stroked my hair methodically- I could tell his mind was far away.

I exhaled a sigh.

"Cal, before you tell me your story, I think I'll tell you mine, first."

"Oh?" he sounded surprised that I, too, had something to tell him, even though we'd only been apart for one day.

"Yeah..." I breathed through my mouth. "Your dad talked to me this afternoon."


"Relax, Cal, it's nothing to be alarmed of."

He scoffed.

"Every time he talks to me he wants something out of me. How can you ask me not to be alarmed? What did he ask from you?"

"Information about you, Cal. That's all he asked. He just wanted to know where you were. Don't get all pissy on me, but I honestly, truthfully think he cares about you."

Cal snorted.

"I'm serious, Cal. I know he made lots of mistakes before, and I don't blame you for being angry at him, but... well, he really was concerned when I told him you were looking for Evan, Cal. And... well... I was thinking. Instead of going all the way out to forgive your... brother... why don't you start with your own father, Cal? I mean, at least he didn't try to-"

"Kayla, stop it. Just don't, okay?!"

I kept quiet, biting my lip.

"Look, I'm sorry, but... Just think about it, will you?"

A deep sigh escaped from Cal's lips.

"Yeah... and I'm sorry, baby. I know you make sense, it's just that..."

I pecked Cal's cheek. He hadn't been shaving, and the bristles tickled my lips. There were dark shadows under his eyes, and he seemed... haggard. Tired, even.

"Cal... you look terrible, you know that?"

He let out a forced bark of laughter.

"I know. These past days have been crazy. Pun intended."

I smiled.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"It's... you know what? I'll save it for tomorrow. Let's forget about all this madness; I'm sick and tired of it, Kayla. Tell me you are too."

"I guess..."

I stared at Cal's bandaged leg, and reached for my coloured markers.

"What're you doing?"

"You'll see, Cal. Now close your eyes."

"You're really pushy, you know that?"

I grinned, remembering the first time he was here.

"Someone once told me that." I replied nonchalantly as Cal smirked. "Now, close your eyes and get some rest, okay?"


"Wake up, Cal!"

He didn't move, and a soft snore escaped his lips. Giggling, I stared at him, wondering how best to wake him up, when I was suddenly overcame by a brilliant brilliant idea.

Quietly, I tiptoed to my cupboard and took out my polaroid camera. Then, holding my markers, I sat on my bed gingerly, making sure the springs didn't creak... and I made his face my sketch book.

Fangs go under his lips. Black marker.

Blood flowing out, red.

Hmm... what else? 

Cat whiskers, green.

Cal snorted loudly and I stiffened, waiting tensely until his breathing became even again.

I AM AN IDIOT on his forehead, purple.

Perfect, I thought, stepping back to survey my art. His facial hair got in the way; I could have drawn more if it weren't for them, but I think I did a pretty swell job. Leaning over, so that my face was beside him, I grinned and snapped a picture.

"Crab! What the?"

I jumped, guiltily stashing the camera behind my back. Cal sprang up, rubbing his hands over his eyes.

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"I heard something!"

"What? You were probably imagining it," I said flustered, inconspicuously dropping the camera behind my pillows. "Look what I did!" I exclaimed, gesturing wildly at his cast.

"Ah," Cal muttered, looking down at his leg and grimacing slightly.

"Hey! I expect a little more enthusiasm! Don't people like it when other people draw on their casts? And since I'm your girlfriend, you should love it even more!"

"Uhuh... but you see, other people normally just sign their names on the cast... My girlfriend drew me a castful of flowers and hearts... Not cool, dude. Not cool."

"What's wrong with flowers and hearts," I ask indignantly.

"Nothing. If you're a girl, that is," Cal muttered dryly.

Pouting, I punched his arms, trying not to laugh when I saw his face.

Literally. His face.

God, he really did look ridiculous. I wonder when he's going to notice it.

"Hey Cal," I said suddenly, another brilliant idea popping into my mind. "What say you if... we go shopping?"


"Yeah! You know... when people go out and buy stuff? Oh right, you don't. Know, that is. You have maids to do everything for you, don't you?"

"I... Uhh... Well, Erm... Come to think of it again, I have to go back.. Erm, I need to see my bad, I mean, Dad-"

"Callum Aiden Cafferty. Don't tell me you're actually ashamed to go shopping with your girlfriend?!"

"No no!" he exclaimed, fluttering his hands around. My eyes watered, trying to hold in my laughter. With an 'I AM AN IDIOT' on his forehead, he really shouldn't-

"Baby! Please, don't cry! I'm sorry, I just... well, I know how girls shop, and-"

I shook my head, kneeling over, trying my best not to burst out laughing.

"Kayla, please! Don't get mad! Okay, okay, I'll go! See, I'm dialing the limo right now. Don't get mad at me, Kayla? Please?"


The driver did a double take when he saw us. Or rather, when he saw Cal. I bit my lip, shaking my head at him as best as I could without attracting Cal's attention.

This was going to be very, very interesting.

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