7- Slushie Time!

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“Is that Cafferty?”

“No way!”

“Didn’t he wear that yesterday?!”

“He looks so sloshed!”

“Damn...I wonder what he was up to last night!”

“More like who he was up to!”

“Guess he really hasn’t changed, has he?”

The inane gossip assaults my ears as I walk from the parking lot towards the benches where the guys are waiting for me.

I can’t believe they can tell this is the same shirt from yesterday!

I pull on my sunglasses, hoping to block my bloodshot eyes from view. I know for a fact that my breath would stink of cigarette smoke. So long as nobody gets too close though, I should be fine. The hangover on the other hand, is a completely different story! I think that even a pin falling to the ground would risk splitting my head in two!

“Wow...it must have been some party!” Jordan whistles softly as I plonk down on the bench beside him.

“Dude, you smell like an ashtray! What the hell have you been doing?!” Keith demands, giving me his full out ‘disappointed’ face.

“Forget what he’s been up to, why didn’t you invite us?!” James jokes, shoving my playfully.

“Gee, I didn’t think you guys would be interested in what I was up to,” I mumble softly, leaning back and allowing my eyes to flutter close.

“Bullshit! Was she hot?! Is that way you didn’t call us?” James presses.

“No, idiot. I left my bloody house, okay? I spent my night in the freaking park before deciding to drive till dawn. And here I am. So I’m sorry if I didn’t invite you,” I mutter darkly.

“You left home? Are you serious?” Keith asks, concern in his voice.

“No Keith! I left my bloody mansion! I don’t have a home!” I spit.

“You could have come over to my place, man. You know my family loves you! Heck, they love you more than they love me,” Jordan mutters.

“Are you okay?” Keith whispers, crouching down in front of me.

I swat him away as I stand up. I don’t need anyone’s pity! “I’m fine! I can take care of myself. I gotta go,” I mumble walking into the school building.

The rest of the students move out of my way as I walk down the corridor. If my head wasn’t threatening to split into two, I may have found it amusing that they part like the red sea for me.

I head into the lecture theatre and pull on my hoodie, covering my head. I take a seat in the last row and stuff in my earphones.

Ten minutes later, Keith, Jordan and James walk over to where I am and take their seats around me. I ignore them and they try their best to pretend like nothing is wrong. The lecture begins...and I zone out.

I wonder who the mystery girl from last night was...she seemed to understand me. And even better than that, she seemed genuinely interested in my problems. Spilling my guts to her felt so natural...even more natural than telling my best friends. I feel like kicking myself for not getting her name though. 

I know! I’ll head back to the park tonight! Maybe she’ll be there?

The recess bell rings and I follow Keith, Jordan and James to the cafeteria.. We snag our usual table and sit down quietly, none of us knowing how to cut through the awkward silence.

“Woa! Looks like Malcolm is about to slushie the new girl!” James mutters, looking excited.

I whirl around to find the new girl...Kara? Or something like that, looking around meekly for a table to sit at. A few feet behind her is Malcolm and his posse of goons. He’s holding a slushie in his hands and is sneaking up on the new girl.

And for some strange reason, I find myself crossing the cafeteria just as he’s about to empty the cup on her.

“Hey! Leave her alone!” I order.

Kara looks at me questioningly, not realising what was going on behind her. 

The entire cafeteria goes quiet as everyone turns to watch the scene.

“Out of the way Cafferty!” Malcolm mutters, taking a step closer to Kara.

She whirls around just as he tips the cup over her. The blue slushie spills all over her brown hair and stains her face a shade of blue. Her eyes well up in tears as she stares open mouthed at Malcolm, not knowing how to react.

“What the hell is your problem Malcolm?!” I demand, shoving him. I don’t understand why, but I feel like I need to protect this girl.

“Get your grimy little fingers off me Cafferty!” Malcolm warns, shoving me back.

Gritting my teeth, I knock him into the wall. “Don’t be such a douche!” I hiss at him before releasing him.

I walk over to Kara and offer her my hand. “Kara right?” I ask softly.

“Kayla,” she whispers.

“Come on, you don’t need to put up with being treated like this,” I tell her, still holding my hand out for her.

The next thing I know, I feel a cold, wet liquid drip its way down my face. I whirl around to find Malcolm behind me, smirking at me. He holds the empty cup out towards me for me to see before dumping it upside down on my head.

I hear a couple of murmurs of amazement amongst the rest of the student body and I’m completely baffled! He slushied me? Me?

“Next time, mind your own business Cafferty!” Malcolm mutters, smiling mockingly at me.

I shake my head a couple of times, getting as much of the slushie out of my hair as possible. The new girl, Kayla watches me in amazement before she grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cafeteria.

“Have you ever been slushied before?” she asks me meekly.

I shake my head at her, still trying to process that that really happened.

“It’s really hard to come out. I’ll show you how to get it out,” she offers softly, shyly.

“Thanks,” I mumble, flashing her a smile.

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