66- Partyin' partyin'

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As I pull Cal up on the table, I could feel my head throbbing. Not in a bad way, though. In fact, I've never felt this good in my entire life!

"Baby, come here and dance," I purr, marvelling at how sexy I sounded. All the previous annoyances I had with my boyfriend had evaporated the moment I saw him coming out of the room. Under the flashing lights- someone had actually fixed a disco ball in the room- Cal looked double adorable! He still looked embarassed and ashen-faced though, and his grey eyes were even bigger than I had remembered them to be.

Placing Cal's hands on my waist, I swayed my hips to the music. Someone had put on Pitbull's 'Tonight', and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me with every beat of the music. The room was filled with bodies grinding up to each other, and for once in my life, I actually liked it. My my, being 17 really is different.

Cal, on the other hand, looked totally opposite as to how I was feeling. Where I was happy and high, he had a look of disbelief on his face.

"What's the matter, baby?" I cooed, giggling at his expression.

"Kayla, are you... drunk?"

I pretended to be affronted.

"Of course not, cupcake! It's my birthday, isn't it? Don't I deserve to have fun?" I mock reprimanded him, pulling him close to me. Instead of melting in my embrace, though, Cal stiffened.

"Are you sure? You're not acting like yourself."

"Awh, baby baby... Of course I'm not myself anymore... I'm a different person already..." I giggled. That line sounded so funny! "I'm 17, rememba?" I said, leaning in towards Cal. "I'm... as people say..." I brushed his lips with mine. "All grown up..."

Cal frowned, sniffing my breath.

"Kayla, you are drunk! What happened to you?"

I pouted, pulling away.

"Oh, baby, you're such a party pooper!" I giggled again. "Pooper? Get it? Poo- per?"

Rolling his eyes, Cal pulled me off the table.

"Okay, Kayla. I want you to tell me what you drank! Knowing you, you'd never drink on purpose, so that must mean that somebody has been spiking the drinks here."

Only one word made sense to me, though.

"Spike?" I asked giddily. The room was slightly spinning now, and a remix of Ke$ha's song filled the air, making my body move on its own accord. "You have a d-dog?" I spluttered. "Isn't your sister already one? A female dog, that is..." I snorted. "Whaddya call it? Beach! Here doggie doggie..."

Trying to focus on Cal's face, I noticed that he had his eyes narrowed.

"Oops!" I giggled again. "Too much said?"

Cal dragged me across the hall. In my bleary state, i thought I made out Ivan's and Sam's form, both of them dancing slowly to the song. 

"Hey you guys! What are you, nuts? It's a fast song, nobody-"

Cal sighed and quickened his pace, dragging me behind. As we passed the masses of bodies, I managed to snatch a cup of orange juice that was on one of the sidetables and quickly drank it in down in one gulp. God, I was so thirsty!

"Cal!" I screamed, trying to get myself heard over the loud music. He didn't slow down though, nor did he look back to answer me; he merely shrugged to show that he had heard.

"You should try the orange juice! I want a whole carton of them delivered-"

I smacked straight into Cal, who had suddenly stopped and turned around.

"What did you say, Kayla?"

"Orange juice, silly!" I shouted, brandishing the empty plastic cup at him. Immediately, Cal grabbed the cup from my slack grip and sniffed it, his expression changing into one of disgust.

"God, if I ever find out who did this..." he snarled, pulling me across the room again. Sighing, I let myself get dragged away, wondering where he would be taking me. Perhaps he knew where we could get unlimited supply of orange juices? God, that would be so cool! I could wake up and drink a glass of healthy, happy orange juice every day and-

"Hey! Cal, why are we leaving?" I cried, finally realizing that we had, indeed, reached the main door.

"Because, Kayla, you need some fresh air," he replied, pulling open the door for me to pass. "Come on, out we go!"

I pouted and crossed my arms on my chest.

"No," I said sullenly. "This is my party, and you haven't even partied yet." I jabbed a finger accusingly at him. "You stayed in your room the whole night and I had nothing to do but drink stupid orange juice that tasted funny and watch other people dance and now you come out asking me to leave and-" I stopped, feeling myself blubbering up. "And now, you want me to leave my own party," I continued, trying to swallow my sobs.

Before I knew what was happening, though, I felt myself being hoisted up, and my vision was limited to the back of Cal's shirt.


I gasped in shock as the cold water hit my face like tiny needles. In front of me, Cal chuckled, an empty glass swinging innocently from his hand.

"Nothing like a cold treatment, huh?" Cal grinned, laughing at his little joke. I scowled and quickly dried my face with one of the pool towels, still light-headed, but not as much as before.

"How you feeling?"

"Weird," I mumbled. Cal smiled, pulling me into a bear hug.

"My little girl has finally gotten drunk. I'm so proud," he said, sniggering.

I sniffed.

"I'm not drunk."

"You're not stoned, thank god, but I highly doubt that you'll be allowed to drive in your current condition."

"Whatever," I muttered. Immediately, Cal grabbed my hand, frowning.

"What's the matter, Kayla? Why are you acting so pissy?"

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Oh shut up, Cal! Why don't you go back to your room and sulk again. After all, its only my birthday party, isn't it? And you're just so dead embarassed about me and-"

I was stopped by Cal's kiss. Immediately, my arms snaked round his neck, pulling him closer towards me. His arms around my waist slosed any distance between us, and soon enough, our lips parted, our kisses growing deeper.

My breaths became ragged as I wildly ran my fingers through his thick, soft hair, needing him to get closer to me, even though our bodies were already rubbing against each other. Cal's hands began to snake his way up my back, his fingers grazing my skin where the low-cut dress started. I gasped as our skins came into contact with each other, the spots on my skin where his fingers grazed feeling as if they were on fire.

As suddenly as it started though, the kiss ended. Cal pulled away, panting, his hair tousled. His eyes had a crazed looked in them and he wrung his hands together, as if suddenly nervous.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"No- We- Can't. You told me that you didn't want to do it yet-"

I grasped the front of Cal's shirt and looked at him crazily.

"I changed my mind. I want you!"

Not meeting my gaze, Cal tried to pry my fingers away from his shirt. It didn't work, though. The more he touched my hands, the more I felt like throwing myself at him- I needed him, dammit!

"No- Kay, you're... drunk," he croaked.

"I most certainly am not, Callum," I said, kissing his plump lips in between words. "I..." I grazed his ear. "Love..." I kissed the nape of his neck. "You..." I finally whispered into his ear.

A shudder went through Cal's body.

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