1- The Two Sides of Love

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My stomach clenched as we approached my new school. From the tinted windows of my mother's car, I could see teenagers laughing and talking, probably exchanging holiday news. 

"Mum, do I have to go to school today? Can't we just... I don't know, wait a couple of days?"

My mum looked at me pityingly.

"Oh, Elle honey, I know this must be hard for you, but you really have no choice! Your A-Level's this year, and I prefer you not skipping any classes."

I gave an annoyed sigh, my nerves already at its breaking point.

"Mum, for the last time, stop calling me Elle! I have a chance to totally change my image over here, so, please, call me Kayla, okay? It is my middle name after all. And sheesh mum, look at these people! I'm an outsider! With all the catching up to do, who in the world would pay attention to the new kid? I'll be a loner again, mother."

"Oh, stop being such a drama queen. And I really don't see why you think being a loner is such a bad thing," she huffed, turning the ignition key off. "At least that way you get to concentrate on your studies and your after school activities."

Yeah, that's what this entire family is about, isn't it? Brilliant in everything, freaking over-achievers. That's all that matters, doesn't it? I thought darkly, slamming the door shut.


I stared boredly at the office table, my eyes glazed over a rulebook the school gave me.

Yeah, I know. My parents just had to choose a school that gives its students rulebooks to read on their first day. 


What kind of school deducts merit points from students?

"El- I mean, Kayla, honey, your new teacher would like to show us around. Come."

Ms. Connor, a thin, nervous looking lady smiled tentatively at me. She then walked us down the corridors where students were loitering around; classes had clearly not started. As I walked, though, the hallway suddenly became much more quieter. I could see students nudging each other, pointing at me.

I squirmed, embarrassed. Trust teenagers to immediately spot a new kid. I hated the attention, and although I tried to tell myself that the world does not revolve around me; that the students were too busy to notice me, I could not shake the feeling that I was being studied. Hungrily. 

My eyes casted a quick glance around. A jaw-droppingly beautiful girl was eyeing me up and down, an expression of distaste on her face. I quickly bowed my head, letting my hair cover my face and hurried up to catch up with my mother.

Suddenly, she stopped and I bumped right into her. A few students snickered.

"So, that's that then. I'll see you around Kayla?"

"Wait, what? You're leaving?" I squeaked, terrified. "Can't you stay? Please?"

My mum just gave me a brisk smile. "Everything'll be fine. Good luck," she said, putting her hand over my shoulder. Leaving me alone to face the stares.

I kept my eyes fixed on the floor, my face still red from all the attention. Suddenly, a pair of high heels stopped in front of me. Slowly, I lifted my head, staring straight into the face of the girl who was dissecting me earlier.

"You're new." It wasn't a question.

I smiled shyly.

"Uhm, yes. I'm Kayla." I offered my hand. Just act normal, Kayla. You can do this. Don't gush!

The girl, however, just stared at my hand, a look of disgust on her face. My smile faltering, I slowly dropped it. Unconsciously, I tugged my shirt down, suddenly self-conscious about the way I looked.

Why didn't I listen to my brother? He told me I looked fat in this shirt!

The girl didn't move, her eyes fixed on me. 

Just be friendly! Come on, you were the freaking school debater before, remember? Just talk, Elle Kayla!

"Uhm, I really like your shirt. I think I saw one in Asda's. Did you buy it from there?"

Immediately, her eyes flashed dangerously. Oops, wrong thing to ask, I realized suddenly. But why? What did I say?

"Unlike some people, I don't shop in hypermarkets. I would tell you the shop I got it from, but..." she paused, then slowly took me in, her eyes travelling from my sneakers to my white t-shirt, stopping at my stomach. "... why bother?" 

The girl gave me a crooked, knowing smile. Without another word, she sauntered off, leaving me alone to face the stares again. My face burning in humiliation, I turned to face the wall, and pretended to be looking for something in my bag, all the while trying to stop my tears from falling.



“Cafferty!” Jason shouts the moment I step out of my car. It takes exactly twenty seconds for everyone to shift their focus to me. Yes people, I am in school! Now go back to your retarded conversations please!

“Nice going meathead!” I hiss at Jason, smacking him in the chest once I reach the back bench where my friends, Jason, Jordan and Keith are waiting.

“Sorry man! It’s been two months! I assumed everyone had forgotten!” Jason defends ruefully.

“Dude, maybe it’s not even that? They could be staring at you because of your outrageous tan!” Jordan chuckles, giving me a smirk.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up!” I mutter darkly.

“You bet we will! What the hell happened to you man?” Keith asks, shaking his head slightly. “You wore goggles while you tanned?”

“First off, I didn’t even go to get tanned. It just happened, alright? I was just wondering the streets of Venice and...well...I’m tan now. Besides, I was wearing sunglasses,” I mumble, running a hand through my hair. My hair used to be a darkish blonde, almost black looking, but somehow, after my vacation, it’s a sort of golden brown. Horrible!

“...and she’s pretty too!” one of the girl mutters as she stalks past us.

“I know, right? Heard she already got on Amy’s bad side though,” the other girl responds.

“Hmm, sounds like a damsel in distress may need our help,” I chuckle softly.

“Yeah, a hot damsel in distress,” Jason adds.

“Even if she isn’t hot, it’d be plenty fun enough to watch Amy blow her top!” Keith acknowledges, pushing up from the bench.

Amy’s the head cheerleader and a complete narcissist. She thinks the world and everything in it revolves around her. She’s gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, but her personality makes her nearly intolerable.

Which makes me curious, everyone in school knows Amy is the queen bee. Who would mess with her?

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