15- Mean Girl

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‘I’m really, really, really unbelievably sorry Elle! I hope you didn’t wait for me! Though, maybe you weren’t there? If you were, I’m super, super, super sorry! Something came up and I completely forgot! Sorry!’

I hit the send button and fidget nervously, waiting for her reply.

‘It’s okay, Cal! Really! Don’t worry.’

That’s it? I kinda expected more teasing perhaps. Or her demanding my being her servant for a week or something like that.

I stuff my phone back into my pocket and scoop another mouthful of ice cream. What’s taking Kayla so long?!

I’m nearly half way through my ice cream when she finally returns, looking a wee bit guilty.

“You look suspicious,” I comment offhandedly, taking a scoop of her ice cream.

“Hey!” she protests noisily, snatching her ice cream away from me.

“I paid for that, remember?” I remind her, sticking my tongue out at her. “Anyway, how was school for you? I saw you hanging out with the pretty people, what’s that about?”

“What? Oh...Yeah, I know it’s weird that Lizzie and her perfect friends would wanna hang out with someone like me,” she mumbles glumly, stabbing at her ice cream brutally.

“I didn’t mean it like that Kayla!” I assure her earnestly. “You’re just as perfect as the rest of them! I just meant that with you prejudice against anyone popular, you would never make friends with them!” I tease, kicking her leg lightly.

She blushes a little and drops her gaze.

“You do know that, right?” I ask her softly.

“Know what?” she shoots back, looking confused.

“That’s you’re just as perfect as the rest of them. Please don’t tell me you’re going to get all typical teenage girl on me and say you’re not pretty and crap like that!” I mutter, shrugging.

“But it’s true,” she whispers weakly.

I have to admit, my eyes nearly pop out at that. She’s insane, she is!

I shoot her a mischievous grin before getting off my chair, wincing slightly from the pain. I climb onto the table as she watches me quizzically.

“Hey everyone! Sorry to disturb, but my friend over here doesn’t think she’s pretty and all that jazz. Obviously she doesn’t believe me when I tell her she is. So could you guys help me out here?” I ask loudly.

All the people at the tables turn to stare at her and I notice Kayla slide down in her chair, pulling on her hood.

“She is pretty!” a middle-aged woman shouts from somewhere at the back.

“See, Kayla?” I ask loudly. “Hey guys, let out a wolf whistle if you guys think she’s pretty!” I murmur, chuckling.

A couple of wolf whistles sound and Kayla turns tomato red. “Thanks you guys! I think she’ll believe me now!” I chirp, getting off the table.

“Can I have your number blondie?” a girl shouts.

I chuckle at that and wink at her before sitting back down. “Believe me now?” I ask softly.

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