46- I'm Going to Find Cal. Again.

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I was walking down a long, dark corridor. At the end of the corridor, a little boy hunched over a book, sobbing. Slowly, I made my way closer.

"Little boy, are you okay?"

He didn't look back, but his sobs subsided some.

"No, I'm not... I can't fix it! I can't fix it!"

"What can't you fix, little boy?" I asked softly, stepping closer to him.

"The little girl. Oh, they're going to be so angry with me!" he cried again, his voice full of anguish.

"What little girl? Who's going to be angry with you?" I asked, placing my hand on his little shoulder.

Suddenly, he stiffened, and he slowly turned his head backwards towards me. Frightened, I pulled my hand back as his side profile came into view.

"This is all your fault," he hissed, suddenly jumping from his chair. I screamed loudly, trying to run away. He was faster, though. Before I even so much as turned, he was already at my throat. His face was ugly, twisted with rage. Spit dripped from his mouth, as if he was a mad dog.

"Watch your back, brother..." he snarled, smiling dangerously, as he raised a knife into the air.


"Kayla! Kayla, wake up!"

"LET ME GO!!!"

"Kayla, its a dream! Just a dream! Wake up, baby. I'm here! You'll be fine!"

Warm arms pulled me close, but I didn't relax. It felt wrong. Where was Cal spicy-minty smell? And Cal's arms felt a lot more harder than the ones holding me.

It wasn't Cal, I realized suddenly.

My eyes sprang open and I wrenched myself away from the embrace. Scooting back, I looked into Ivan's hurt face.

"Where's Cal?" I asked, not registering the hurt that deepened on his face.

"I don't know, Kayla. I think he went out."

"Where to?"

"Look, Ellie-Bear. I really don't know. I just woke up to your screamings and thought I'd check up on you."

"You... you don't know where he is?" I cried, my voice rising a few octaves. Immediately, I scrambled up, running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Maybe he just went downstairs to grab a bite."

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