"Oh God," I choked out, tears now slowly falling onto my cheeks. I laid back on the floor and put my left hand on the wound on my forehead. If my wand arm was useful at all I could probably attempt to heal myself. I rolled on to my somewhat good side and pushed myself up on that leg, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to hop all the way back to Slytherin or over to the infirmary. I did manage to hop over to the wall so I could lean on it. Maybe I could lean on the wall for support while hopping to Slytherin. As I stood there and came up with a game plan, a light came around the corner.

"Leah, holy shit," Draco said, lowering his wand so I could see his face.

"Thank god. Why are you out here?"

"Clarissa came back without you. We were all suspicious," he wrapped an arm around me so I could use him as support.

"Fuck," I hissed as pain shot down my arm.

"You need Madam Pomfrey," he said.

"No, I'm not getting our house in trouble for being out past curfew. I can wait until morning just help me back to the common room."

"You can't stay like this until morning," he frowned.

"Ow, shit," I shifted, my ankle hurting even more.

"Fine, fine, take me to Sev," I winced.

"Can you walk?" he asked doubtfully.

"I'll manage," I bit out. He sighed and shook his head, gently picking me up bridal style.

"I said I could walk!" I protested.

"Yeah and we'll get to Snape's room at dawn," he rolled his eyes.

"Fine- ow! Watch the arm, I think it's out of its socket."

"Sorry," he said and headed towards Sev's quarters. When we got there he kicked the door, hands unavailable to knock.

"Stop kicking the door, I do have a non injured hand," I rolled my eyes, knocking loudly.

"What is the meaning of this," he flung the door open and looked at us in surprise.
"What happened to you?"

"I'm not sure. Something knocked me down the stairs," I said as he ushered us in.

"I went looking for her when Moon came back from the kitchen without Leah."

"You said something knocked you down the stairs?" Sev asked as he took me from Draco.

"Ah!" I winced.

"You're okay," he murmured, setting me down on a chair.

"Yeah...yeah something knocked me down. A spell, maybe."

"Do you know who did it?"

"I'm willing to bet it was Clarissa," I grit my teeth.

"We'll check her wand. You couldn't heal yourself?" Sev inspected the wound on my head.

"My wand is missing and my wand arm is out of it's socket."

"Drink this," he grabbed a potion from one of his cabinets.

"What's it for?" I asked after downing it.

"Relieve a bit of the pain. I'm going to have to pop your shoulder back into place, there's no spell to fix that."

"Great," I clenched my jaw.

"You might want to take Mister Malfoy's hand," he said, placing a hand near my shoulder and the other on my bicep.

"God dammit," I hissed, taking his hand quickly.


I gave a sharp nod and tightened my grip on Draco's hand. I felt Sev's grip tighten a moment before he jammed my shoulder upwards and back into place. I let out a scream and bit my lip so hard it bled. I saw Draco wince and lean down slightly as I crushed his hand.

"Fuck," I cursed, sweat rolling down my neck and my stomach turning.

"Are you okay?"

"I think I'm gonna be sick," I said and Sev wet a towel, placing it over my forehead.

"Just breathe," he soothed.

"Mister Malfoy, you may leave now. The rest should be relatively easy to fix."

"I'll stay. I'm her second."

I looked over at him for a few moments and felt something pull in my chest. He stared back at me and eventually I nodded.

"He can stay."

Sev looked between us and sighed.

"Very well," he grabbed a salve and ran it along the wound on my head.

"It won't scar this way," he explained and then sat himself down near my ankle. Draco kept hold of my hand.

"This will be painful, but nothing like your shoulder," Severus warned and I nodded. With a flick of his wand my ankle snapped back into place and I groaned. Draco's grip tightened slightly on my hand as a comforting gesture.

"Imagine what that would have felt like without the pain relieving potion," Draco grinned and I gave a weak laugh.

"I'm fine, I've felt worse," I shrugged, my shoulder aching but nothing like before.

"No you haven't," Sev smirked.

"You don't know me," I said and he shook his head, still smirking.

"What happened to your knee?" Sev asked. I looked down to see that blood was soaking through my jeans.

"Fell on it. It's fine," I shrugged.

"It's bleeding," Sev said dryly.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Fine, but I want you to take a bath tomorrow and soak with this," he handed me what looked like a bath bomb.

"For bruises?"

"For bruises," he nodded.

"Now, you'll spend the night here while that slave does its job. Now, Mister Malfoy, I insist that you go back to your common room."

"Yes, professor," he nodded and then looked back at me.

"See you tomorrow. Want me to do anything about Clarissa?"

"Not yet. We'll come up with a game plan worse than just ignoring the bitch," I said.

"Alright. I'll let the others know you're okay."

"Brilliant. Thank you."

"Not a problem," he gave me a small smile and then slipped out the door. Sev eyed me for a few moments while transfiguring one of his arm chairs into a bed.

"It would seem," he finally said, "that you've made a...friend."

"He's just being loyal. He knows he shouldn't start anything with the next leader of Slytherin."

"Believe what you want darling. Now get some sleep."


Leah Riddle (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now