Chapter 1

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Ana walked in school calmly, with her black hair up in a tidy bun.

She wore long dark jeans, a red short sleeved top and black dangly earings.

As she walked down the hallway she heard people talking about her.

'Slut' was repeated more than once.

Ana ignored them and continued walking.

It still hurt though.

After three years she thought the pain would lessen by now, that she wouldn't feel it.

But she felt betrayed.

Betrayed by Brad and all the people that believed his lies.

Anna thought that more people would have stuck by her.

She thought that more people cared for her, but...they didn't.

She understood though, she was hurt, but she understood.

She had never actually told them what had really took place.

She couldn't.

She was going to and then she saw all their hurt and dissapionted expressions and couldn't.


It was too much- they were too far gone and she could see that.

Whatever she would have said would not have been believed anyway.

It was too late.

Ana walked into form class and sat next to her two friends- Trish and Maria, near the front.

They were two of the few people that had stood by her after they heard what had happened with Brad.

They were her close friends, they had known what had really happened before Brad had even spoken up.

The bell rang and Mrs. Goldfin walked into the class.

Mrs. Goldfin was the subject of much teasing and pesturing by students.

This was somewhat because of her surname, but mostly because she was a shy, slightly chubby hipster dressing woman that always wore this pasty, vomit pink lipstick.

She was a french teacher and absolutely hated her job.

Ana knew this because it was obvious- she always showed up late, she never smiled, her back was always hunched and she fidgeted a lot.

Ana suddenly felt what she felt.

Wasn't that empathy or something?

Whatever, Ana felt sorry for her, as, she too didn't get the respect she deserved.

She and Mrs. Goldfin were very different yes, but they were also pretty similar.

"Hi Ana!"

Ana turned around in surprise to see Mike Thompson- one of the new kids this year, smiling down at her.

He was about six feet tall, so 'smiling down' wasn't an exaggeration.

"Hi Mike,"

They had spoken to each other before in a couple of classes, but they had never spoken outside of a class.

The main reason for that was this- Mike was popular kid.

School had only started back a few weeks ago but yeah, he was popular.

It wasn't his fault- he just had it in his genes.

Tall, handsome, athletic, intelligent and artistic.

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