Kayla stands a few feet back, scrunching up her nose in disgust. I give her a warning glance and she scampers into the master bedroom to change. Great, that’s two members of the Thomas family rounded up, I just need to get Ivan.

I poke my head out of the window and peer down to where Ivan and Sam are swimming, splashing each other happily.

“Sorry to break things up, but we gotta check out! And Ivan, you’re coming to my place. I told the rest of your family to meet us there!” I shout.

He gives me the thumbs up and helps Sam out of the pool.


Sean, Ivan, Kayla and I are in the limo, leaning back and enjoying the chocolate-dipped strawberries.

“You sure we should be going to your place?” Kay finally asks, resting her head against my shoulder.

“Yeah, it’s fine. My step-mum and half-sister are off on vacation. So only my dad is home. He won’t bother us so long as we steer clear of the north wing,” I murmur, shrugging.

Ivan chokes on his strawberry, staring at me. “Please tell me your house doesn’t actually have wings.”

Before I can answer tactfully though, Kayla raises her hand enthusiastically. “I know, I know! Pick me!” she squeals happily.

I roll my eyes at her but she ignores me. “It actually does! It’s insane Ivan! You could totally get lost! I did, once!” she admits.

I roll my eyes at her again, resting my cheek on the top of her head.

“Geez, you’re heavy!” she pouts.

“Deal with it,” I mumble back, closing my eyes.


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