Where's Mommy

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I sat at the edge on the bed with my head in my hands. Y/n and I just got into a huge fight, she left without another word. Right now it's 12:42, she's been gone for three hours, not picking up my calls or reading my texts. I'm really worried, I'm afraid somethings going to happen to her.

Getting up, I walked downstairs and into the living room. She didn't even take her jacket, it's freezing outside. I tried calling again, but this time, she picked up, hanging up right after.

"Fuck!" I cursed, getting frustrated.

Why does she have to be so fucking difficult?...


Its 3:38 am and she still hasn't shown up, called or even texted back. I know that I pissed her off, but I know she can't be mad forever. Usually the next day, either she or I apologize, but she up and left. Not bothering to tell anyone anything about where she was going or checking in. For crying out loud, we have a fucking daughter together.


Justin is so fucking unbelievable. Why does he think he can blame everything on me, then expect me to apologize the next day; it doesn't get that good. I sat in a hotel room, eyes wide open and brain on blast. I don't think I want to go home, I mean...I can't just disappear and never return. But just for tonight, I might just go home tomorrow night, I don't know...

I just needed some time away from Justin. He's so...indecisive, it drives me crazy, he knows it. I laid back on the soft mattress, thinking of outcomes for if I didn't go home. My eyelids soon became heavy, sending me into slumber.

---NEXT DAY---

I opened my eyes to a knock on the door. Sitting up, I stretched, throwing my legs over the bed and yawned. The knocking was obnoxious and I really wanted to see who it was so I could go back to sleep. I twisted the handle, opening the door, revealing Caitlin, one of Justin's friends.

"Oh my gosh Y/n, you're okay" she gushed wrapping her arms around me.

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Justin is worried sick about you. He called at four, crying, asking if you were with me"

"I should be the one crying, not him. He's the one who drove me away"

I walked away from the door, Caitlin following close behind.

"Why didn't you at least call him or check in?"

"Because! Then he'll try to come get me! I left for a reason" I sat down on the bed, turning on the tv.

"I'm telling him where you are when I get back" I quickly shot a look at her

I clenched my jaw "If you tell him, I swear to god, I will never forgive you"

"You guys have a little girl to take care of, you can't just hide out forever"

I walked up to Caitlin, getting in her face "I'm not hiding out forever. Do you think I'm stupid? I know we have a fucking daughter. Now...if you tell Justin where I'm at, it won't be good for you"

Caitlin shivered in fear "o-okay"

"So I advise you to keep your pretty little mouth shut...do you hear me?" I spoke through gritted teeth


"Leave" I firmly demanded

Caitlin quickly turned around and exited my hotel room. She doesn't need to be in Justin and I's business.

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