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What could it be?

I don't know, I could be sick?

I placed my hand on my forehead. I'm not burning up. I thought back to what could of happened.

Justin and I, we...

My eyes widened, I hurried to pick up my phone, checking the date. Today's the third, I tapped on my period tracking app. The calendar dates haven't been filled, I've missed two periods already.

Could I be pregnant? No I can't be.

We only had sex once and it was an accident.

We didn't even intend on doing it.

I placed my phone back on the nightstand, running my hand threw my dark hair. This can't be happening, I'm only sixteen and Justin's only seventeen. This will ruin his life, I don't want that to happen. Justin walked back into the room, with ibuprofen and a glass of orange juice.

"Hey, babygirl. You feeling any better?" Justin gave me the two pills

I took them, taking the drink from his hand.

"You look so stressed out, what's going on?" I shook my head

"Its nothing, I'm just tired" I laid back down, pulling the blanket up to my neck.

"Well, get some sleep. I'll see you when you wake up" i smiled as justin kissed my forehead. He stood up, starting for the door.

"Justin?" He turned around, looking at me

"I love you" I told him

"I love you too, princess" Justin smiled, walking through the door.

I grabbed my phone and texted my mom.


'Yes, hun'

'I have something really important to tell you, but you can't get mad at me'



'I promise'

'Uhm...I think I'm pregnant'

'Oh dear'

'I'm so scared...I don't know what to do' a tear slipped from my eye, wetting the pillow

'I'm sure we can figure this out'

'Please don't tell daddy. He'll make me leave'

'I wish he would, you're my child and what I want goes my way. So, do you want to keep it?'

'Yes, but I don't know about justin'

'It doesn't matter, if he breaks up with you just because of a baby, then it wasn't meant to be'

'But I love him'

'And I love you, don't get rid of an innocent life, just because of a boy. If you want to keep it, keep it. He has no choice in tour decision and I'm here to help you all the way through'

'Thank you, mommy. I love you so much'

'I love you too'

I locked my phone, setting is back in its spot. I really hope justin wants this baby. I closed my eyes, letting my sleep take over

End notes

Well looks like I'm doing a part four and maybe a five if it goes on you that long. I really like this one tbh.


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