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Justin's POV

"Justin, you look as if you've been stressing out. What's goin on?" Ryan asked me

"Its the new girl, Y/n. She's beautiful, I want her" I ran my fingers through my slightly blonde hair

"Then get her" ryan spoke

"I've been trying to get her attention, but every time I get around her, I chicken out. Fuck" I shut my locker

"Want me to help?" Ryan asked

"No, I'm sure I can do this...it can't be that hard" I mumbled, listening to the bell as it rang

I have this period with her, as long as I stop being a fucking pussy, then she'd probably say yes. I walked down the hall, entering the classroom. I sat down in the corner, far in the back. I watched as everyone took their seats, but where was Y/n? The tardy bell rang and a second later, in came her beautiful structure.

She looked so tired, like she hasn't slept all night. She was wearing a pink shirt that hugged her waist properly and some gray sweatpants. Even in this state, she still managed to look beautiful. She didn't bring anything, usually she does. I watched as she made her way towards the back, taking a seat beside me.

She laid her head down on her arms, ignoring the fact that class started.

"Tired?" I asked

She looked over to me and nodded "I didn't get very much sleep last night"

"Oh, that sucks...I have a comfy, king sized bed you could sleep in after school if you want?" My face burning a bit, I'm sure it turned a light shade of pink

She giggled a bit, closing her eyes "sure, sounds good"


I walked out of the class, putting up my things. I'd seen Y/n walking down the hall, other females giving her dirty looks. I walked over to her, walking by her side.

"Oh, hey" she smiled

"Hey, so uhm, you ready to go" I pointed toward the double doors


We walked through the door, headed to my Audi R8. She smiled once she seen it.

"Nice car" Y/n complimented

"Thanks" I closed my door, starting the car "so Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked hesitantly

"Uhm, no actually. I don't really like anyone right now" she answered

"Bad break up?"

She sighed "yea, we dated for six months, then he broke up with me just like that" Y/n looked out the window

"I feel you, my ex broke up with me, for no reason. She said that she just didn't wanna date me anymore" my voice was shaky

"Oh, I'm sorry" she grabbed my hand that was on the gear shift, rubbing her thumb over the top and squeezing it a bit

End notes

Not finished yet, just wait on it.


Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now