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You were sitting in tour car on your way to the airport with your five year old daughter kailyn. You and your daughter spent the new years in new York. One, because kailyn has wanted to go to new York for a bit and two, because you really needed to get away from justin. So you decided that two weeks in new York could help.

"Mommy, are we going home now?" Your daughter asked looking up from her iPad

"Mhmm" you hummed

"Is daddy going to be there?" You stayed silent for a little

"I don't know" you answered

You came to a stop, steeping out of the car. You grabbed your daughters suitcase and handed it to her. After you got yours out, you both made your way into the huge building. There were a bunch if people, this is NY after all. Of coarse it was going to be crowded, why not.

There were a group of girls that came running up to your and kailyn. You grabbed her hand, just in case something were to happen.

"Oh my god! Its Y/n and kailyn!" They squealed

You smiled at them, nodding your head.

"Can we have pictures with you?" They asked

"Why not" you and kailyn took a few pictures before heading to your plane.


You placed your and kailyn things into the backseat of the car that was waiting for you. You buckled your daughter in before getting in on your side. Your phone began to ring, taking it out of your pocket, you answered.


"Uh, hey Y/n" Justin said

You sighed before you continued "what do you want, justin?"

See, you and justin had been married, four years. Then he met hailey, you knew that he was getting to attached to her. He ended up leaving you for her, even after all you two have been through.

"Hailey, she uh, she's in jail"

"Okay..." You knew it sounded rude of you, but you couldn't help it

"Can you come back?" He asked


"Please" he begged

"No justin. One because, you left me for her and two, because I know for a fact that onece she gets out you're gonna go running straight back to her. You don't love me anymore, justin, so don't even ask me to come back" you spat

"Mommy, is that daddy?" Kailyn asked

"Can I talk to her?" Justin asked

You gave to phone to kailyn, sitting back in the seat.

Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora