Vacation 4~

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Y/n's POV

"Would you like to come over for a bit?"

Did the Justin Bieber just ask me if I wanted to come over?...

"Uh, yea. That'd be great" a smile formed on my lips

"Sierra, sweetly come on" I called, watching her grab her things from the sand, running over to me

"Are we going home?" She pouted

"No, we're going to Justin's" she looked up at him and smiled

"Really!?" I nodded to her squeal

I picked up our things getting some help from Justin

"Did you bring your car?" I shook my head

"We walked, our hotel is right there" I pointed to the big luxurious building

We walked to Justin's car, placing my towels and stuff into his trunk. I dusted off sierra's bottom also doing mine, before we got into Justin's car. He got in his side, starting the car and driving off.

.      .      .

"Woah! Your house is huge!" Sierra giggled

Small barks erupted as little paws sounded. Justin's puppy came into view, wagging its tail.

"Awe, you have a puppy!" Sierra pick up Justin's little dog, snuggling it

"Her names Esther" Justin smiled

Sierra set Esther down, following her as she ran off.

"I guess she's never had a puppy?" Justin asked

"I give her what she asks for" I giggled, taking a seat on the couch

Justin's phone started ringing, he looked at me before answering.

"Hello. Oh I forgot you were there.     Y/n?" I looked in Justin's direction as he mentioned my name.

"Yea. Don't even try. Okay bye" Justin hung up, placing his phone back into his pocket

Sierra came running back into the room, hopping in my face.

"Chill out, princess" I giggled, holding her still

"Mommy, can we get a puppy?" I smiled, looking to Justin

"Of coarse we can" I smile

"I'll take you to get one right now" Justin spoke

Sierra's eyes grew wide with excitement. She turned around and wrapped her arms around Justin's neck.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Justin placed her on his lap

"You don't ha-"

"I want to" Justin's smile showed once again

"Okay then let's go" we stood up, walking back to Justin's car

.     .     .

Justin held Sierra in his arms as we walked through the isles.

"Ooh. I want this one" Sierra pointed to a tiny papillon puppy

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yea" she looked into the puppies hazel eyes

"You can get that one. I want this one" I made missy noises to the Pomeranian pup

We retrieved the pet store clerk to get our puppies. Right as I was about to pay for my Pomeranian, Justin did.

"Hey!" I  pouted

"What's up" Justin chuckled

"I was gonna pay" I said holding the puppy in my arms

"Keep your money" he laughed

"You keep your money" I laughed, looking down as the puppy whimpered

"What are you gonna name her" Justin asked

"Uhm" I tapped my chin "Cassie" I smiled

"Sierra, share you gonna name yours?" We both looked down

"Coco" she giggled

We hung around Justin for a little bit longer, then he took us back to out hotel. Today was fun, I was happy, my daughter was happy, and Justin was happy. That's all that really mattered

End notes

I'm gonna do a part five later I'm tired and I have to babysit so bye.

Sorry for any mistakes


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