∞ just kidding ∞

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You stood up from the couch, walking upstairs to your best friend, Justin's, room. He was sitting in his lounge chair, playing grand theft auto five. You sat down next to him, watching him as he concentrated on the game.

"Justin, can I play?" You asked sweetly

"As a matter of fact yes, but only until I get back from making me a sandwich" he handed you the controller

Once he removed himself from his seat in the chair, you took his spot speeding of in his car he had. You were really focused, dodging and weaving cars as you sped down the hallway.

Justin came walking back into the room with a sandwich in hand. You took a quick glance at him, but before you knew it, you had a head on collision with a eighteen wheeler. Your body flew out the windshield, slamming into the truck.

"Damn it. Justin look what you made me do, I killed myself, they need to put on some damn seat belts" your grumbled

Justin laughed at you, watching you play a little more.

"Aye, I got explosive bullets" you giggled, getting your machine gun out.

You shot a car -- exploding it in sight -- gaining the police.

"Bow, right in the coochie meat" you laughed as you exploded the cop.

" Y/n, you really like this game don't you?" Justin chuckled, you nodded your head

"Oh just so you know, za is coming over" your head instantly turned to look at Justin

"Why?" You whined

"Cuz, I haven't seen him in a while" he pinched your cheek a little

"I don't want him to come over" you paused the game, turning towards justin

"Why not?"

"Cuz you know, he likes to flirt with me" justin chuckled a bit

"Don't you like him?" You damn near beat his face in

"No! I already have someone up here" you tapped your temple

That's exactly when you heard the doorbell ring. Justin stood up leaving you by yourself. You decided to lay on the bed, behind the chair, so you could play with Justin's hair. You thought a bit before they came back, you decided you were gonna mess around with za.

They walked back into the bedroom, both plopping down in the lounge chair. Za was wearing some black jeans with a bunch of holes in them, so they kind of looked like girl jeans. You stood up and walked in front of him.

"Hey za!" You called


"I have one question for you" he nodded his head for you to continue

"What are thoooose" you laughed pointing at his jeans.

Justin knew what you were talking about, so he ended up having a fit of laughter.

"Y/n, you play to much, I ain't got time for you" he chuckled lightly before going onto his phone

You hurried to grab your phone, unlocking it and going to your messages. You had a little trick up your sleeve. You waited for the perfect time to send it.

"Aye Justin, watch this" right when to good part was coming


effective. Power لُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً ॣ ॣh ॣ ॣ 冗

And off when his phone. You hurried to lock your pone and slid it under your leg.

"What the fuck just happened?" he stared at the screen as it turned back on

You were trying to hold in your laugh, but it slipped a little, causing justin and za to look at you.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked, raising an eyebrow

"Oh nothing" you took your phone back out, blocking za so he couldn't send it back to you

"She sent me that effective power shit!" He surprisingly shouted

You busted into fits of laugher, clutching your stomach cuz how funny it was. Justin and za went downstairs to Justin's game room, leaving you by yoursself. You laid your head down, closing your eyes, remembering not getting much sleep last night.

"Hey, Y/n. Can I use your phone to call mine? I can't find it" justin entered the room

You turned your head to look at him, setting your phone in his hand. He walked out scrolling through your contacts. You laid your head back down, closing your eyes again. A few minutes later, justin walked back in with a smirk that played on his lips.

"Oh Y/n, I couldn't find my name in your contacts" you opened your eyes, forgetting what you did "but I did find my number...." You giggled hesitantly

Ooh, cliffhanger. Would you like a part two. If yes comment whatever it doesn't matter to me, but if you don't care, I'll just post it for the people who want one.

I came up with this one after I seen a shitload of vines. The "what are thoooose!" Vine is so fucking funny to me, I don't know why but I am easily amused. You just gotta say something that Is actually funny.

Well this turned out good, I want to do a part two, but then I don't. So if I even get any comment about a part two then I'll just make other imagines....

Hope you like it, peace out!!

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