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"Y/n, would you stop?" Justin asked slightly annoyed

"No, baby" you continued to run around

"What are you so hyper anyway?" His voice filled with irritation

"Because you gave me the sour stuff, from that squirt bottle thing" you climbed on the back of the couch and jumped off

You took out your phone, getting on snapchat so you could record yourself. "Y/n you need to chill" justin told you

You pressed record, running up to him "what the fuck did you just say to me? Huh?"

"Y/n, get out of my face"

"Yea that's what I thought nigga" the video ended, you adding it to your story

You pressed record again pretending to calm down "lately I've been thinkin" you told him

"Thinkin about what babe?"

"Thinkin bout what we had" Justin's face dropped, hurt filling his eyes

"Are you breaking up with me? You were just fine a minute ago"

You bursted out in laughter "look at this white nigga, can't even recognize his owe song" you ended the video, also adding to your stort

"You get on my fucking nerves" justin mumbled as you ran up the stairs "and stop running around be-" he was cut off by a loud fumbling noise

Next thing you know, your laying at the end of the stairs, tears rolling down your cheeks. You laid your face to the floor, laying there for a bit.

"Oh my god baby are you okay?" Justin rushed to your side

He flipped you over, seeing the tears on your cheeks. "I told you to stop running around and this is what happened, you need to be more careful" he placed his hand on you cheek, helping you over on the couch

"And I should of listened to you, I'm so fucking stubborn" you slightly gigged, pain etching through your body.

There was a knock on the door, justin got up and went to see who it was.

"Oh hey, za" you heard justin say

"What's up bro" he walked into the livingroom.

You turned your body towards the back of the couch, so you didn't have to look at za.

"What happened to Lil mama?" You heard za ask

"Oh, she slipped and fell down the stairs"

Thanks for putting out my business...you thought

You began to cry, realizing you couldn't move your wrist. "Justin, I broke my wrist" your sobs becoming louder.

"Do you mind staying here, while I take Y/n to the hospital?"

"Not at all, boy" za chuckled

Justin picked you up carrying you out to the car.


"Well, miss. Y/n. You did indeed break your wrist, you're going to have to keep this cast on for about six weeks equivalent to two months" you nodded your head

"Here are some pain medications for if the pain kicks, take two" he handed justin the prescription medication.

The both of you exited the hospital, getting into his car.

"Are you going to start being more careful?" Justin asked

"Yea..." You said quietly

"What's wrong baby girl?"

"Bitch is you blind, I just broke my fucking wrist and I'm right handed. How am I supposed to write? Huh?" You gave him the death glare

"I'm sorry love, I'll help you practice with your left hand. I'm gonna be the first one to sign your cast too" you arrived to his house, getting out if the car and going into the house

You went upstairs to Justin's room, sitting on the bed with your phone. Justin walked in with a huge grin and a marker in his hands.

"Lemme sign your cast now" justin demanded

You held out your hand , giving him access. Once he finished you looked at what it said.

'I love you Y/n, you mean the world to me. Your sexy boyfriend, justin bieber'

You looked up at him, his goofy smile making you laugh a bit.

"And I thought I was annoying" you giggled kissing his cheek.

End notes

I thought of this because what happened to me but instead I broke my ankle, trying to scare my friend.

I stepped on my foot wrong and my ankle twisted until it broke.


Who wants me to delete my book not me  start on a new one...that's completely different....I need an answer!!!


Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now