|| Late Night || Diff. Ending 9

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"Mommy" Lillian walked into my room, holding her pink plush bunny

"Yea, princess" I picked her up and set her in my lap. She didn't look nor seem happy

"Do you love me" her big brown eyes met mine

My heart literally broke at he question. What makes her think I don't love her? She means the absolute world to me and if I lost her only God knows what I would do.

"W-what makes you think that? Of course I love you, you are my everything" my grip on her waist tightened as I pulled her body closer to mine

"Because you barely talk to me and you never play with me" I saw as the tears welded up in her eyes

"I'm so sorry baby girl. When ever you want me to play just come and get me, I don't care what I'm doing, just come and get me. Okay?" I hugged her tightly kissing her temple

I watched as she hopped of my bed, padding along out of jack and I's room. Just then jack walked in smiling at me.

"Hey" jack sat on his side of the bed and laid across my lap

"Hey" a small smiled formed on my face

"What happen?" He looked up at me

I placed my left hand in his hair and the other one on the side of his face.

"Our child just came in here and asked me if I love her" I pouted

"Well you do, don't you?" Jacks forehead creased as his eyebrows raised

"Uh, no" I sarcastically acted snooty


"I'm kidding baby. You know I love her and I love you" leaning over, my lips pressed against jacks

"I love you too and our baby" jack placed both of his hands on my stomach lifting my shirt and kissing my bare skin


"Lilli, wanna come with mommy"

"Yes!" She hurried to put her shoes and her hoodie

We headed out to my car, I buckled Lilli in her car seat. After I got in, I started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

"Where are we going mommy?" Lillian asked

"We're going to Justin's"

"Does that mean I get to play with Esther?" The car wiggled as she bounced in her car seat

"Mhmm, that means you can play with Esther" I giggled, pulling into Justin's driveway


"She loves Esther" Justin chuckled

"Yea, when we were on our way, she was like do that mean I can play with Esther. She was bouncing around all over the back seat" I laughed, watching lillian run around with the small puppy

"I'm gonna get a drink" making my way to the kitchen, I grabbed the tea from his fridge.

Pouring some in the glass, I took a sip before turning around. Justin pushed me against the counter, making me choke on my tea.

"Justin, what are you doing?" My heart rate increased

"Y/n, you know what I'm doing" he lowly chuckled with a smirk plastered on his lips

"No, Justin stop" I tried moving, but he gripped my wrists

His lips suddenly smashed into mine. I gathered myself and pushed him back.

"Justin, quit it. Jack and I gave you a chance, but you blew it" his fist got tighter

"Y/n I'm sorry. I've told you this already I c-" Justin kissed me again, forcing me

"Stop, Justin. I'm pregnant!" He finally let me go


"Yes, I am" I looked at the floor.

"Mommy, can we go home. I miss daddy?" Did she see us

"Yea, let's go" I moved away from Justin and out his house


"Mommy, I saw Justin kiss you" my eyes widened

"It wasn't my fault was it?" My breathing was unsteady

"Nope, he pushed you that's why I wanted to come home. Daddy doesn't push you like that, does he?" Lilian's vision finally focused on me

"N-no, he d-doesn't" I stuttered, she did see it

"Are you going to tell daddy?"

"I-I don't know"


Jacks POV

"Y/n, where you at!" I called, walking through the house

"Mommy went to get me some candy" Lillian spoke

"You've got her wrapped around your finger don't you" I chuckled, sitting next to her

"Daddy, did mommy tell you about what happen at Justin's?" I quickly looked down at my curly haired daughter

"No, what happened?" Why was Lillian at Justin's anyway, I don't want her nor Y/n over there

"He asked mommy to come over and I wanted to play with Esther"

"You already have a dog lil" I looked around for her husky

"Yea, but Malibu is getting really big" her big brown orbs shifted over to mine

"What else happened?" My curiosity getting the best of me

"Mommy went to get a drink and Justin pushed her back on the counter. She kept telling him to stop, daddy" her voice was getting a bit shaky

Lillian lifted her finger, motioning for me to get closer

"And he kissed her. She tried pushing him back, but he held her arms down and did it again"

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier" the blood in my veins were boiling, but I couldn't show it to my little girl.

"Because you were sleeping, silly" her giggle was priceless

Just then, the door opened and in walked Y/n with a bag of candy. I smiled, taking a stand and walking over to my beautiful fiancé. My arms slithered around her waist and hers around my neck. Resting my chin on her shoulder I began to whisper

"I know what Justin did to you and I'm not okay with it"

"Lilli told you, didn't she?"

"Yea, why'd you take her with you, I don't want her over there"

"Just so I was able to to prove that I wasn't in the wrong and she wanted to play with Esther"

"I really don't want you going over, just because he tries something every time"

"I'm sorry baby" Jack pulled out of the hug and places a gentle kiss on my lips

"It's fine, I'm gonna deal with him later"

"What are you gonna do?" I held his arm, holding him back from leaving

"You'll see" he walked out the house, leaving Lillian and I worried


I decided I'm going to do a book on this one cause I really want to keep this going. Sorry it took me so long to update & also for any errors


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