What you want

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I walked out of Justin and I room and down to where he was. Justin was sitting on the couch watching tv stuffing his face with chips.

"Justin, we need to talk" I firmly stated

"What?" He obtained a worried look, furrowing his eyebrows with chips partly hanging from his mouth

"You're no bweaking up wih me, right?" He asked through the chips

"No. Of course not. I just wanna know what you wanted fro dinner tonight" a delicate smile took over my lips

Justin chewed his chips, before placing his hand to his chest.

"Don't do that, you scared me" Justin lightly chuckled "but anyways, I want spaghetti and tacos" he smiled


Lool I seen this somewhere I forgot, but I changed what they were doing and what not.

So how's your day??

Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now