∞ text/the mix up ∞

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Justin ~ Y/n

You have a twin sister named Mallorie, you two were identical.

'Babe, Why have you been acting so weird today?'

'What are you talking about?'

'Today at school, you wouldn't let me hug, nor kiss you'

'Justin, I didn't go to school today, I had to go to the hospital'

'What! Then who was that?'

'Omfg justin!!! You were trying to hug and kiss all over my sister, Mallorie!!! That is hilarious'

'No its not! It thought you didn't love me anymore!! Why didn't you tell me you had a twin!?'

'I thought you knew, lol'

'No, I've never seen you two in the same place at once'

'She's the one who goes out with chaz'

'Omg, I just thought you and him were just close friends!!!'

'Nope, that's my twin. We're really close though. If you come over you can see us at the same time'

'I'm on my way now. Love you, hope you getter better by the time I get there, I've been missing your lips"

'That's too fast, justin'

'Then looks like we're both going to be home tomorrow :) :*'

'You are a hand full!'

'But you can handle it...I'll see you when I get there'

'Okay, I love you'

'Love you too, baby'

End Notes

I cane up with this one out of nowhere, Idk there's something wrong with me.

Did you like it!?

I'm almost finished with the other imagine, this is just to occupy you justin bieber lovers.

Did y'all see the picture on Instagram that justin posted wiouth his clothes on??

He was pointing at an island. I was dead laughing at it. His booty is so perky, it's cute though lol.

Bye loves

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