•just the beginning•

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"Y/n. Where are you?" Justin sang out

You two where playing hide and seek at his house. You were bored and had nothing to do at yours, so you snuck out and went to Justin's. You where hiding in one of the bedroom closets, trying to keep quiet. Right now it's 10:38 and you weren't tired at all.

"Y/n, come out, come out, where ever you are" he chuckled a bit.

You heard him open the door to the bedroom you where in. Covering your mouth and looking though the slits through the small closets door, you watched as justin began to look around. You looked again, noticing he walked past the door. Sighing in relief, you leaned your head back. The door suddenly swung open, causing you to scream you were pulled out and tripped onto the bed.

"I found you!" Justin laughed

"How though?" You giggled

"I heard you sigh. You're pretty loud when you do that" he chuckled "you're it" justin told you

You quickly glanced at the door, then back at justin.

"You have to catch me first, nigga" you took off running

Looking back, you saw how close he was. You sped up your pace.

"I'm gonna catch you, Y/n!" He chased after you

"No the fuck you won't" you tried jumping on the couch, but tripped and fell onto of it.

Adding on to your accident, justin superman'd on top of you. Erupting in laugher, you squired underneath his body.

"Justin, get your fat ass off of me!" You squealed, trying to push him off

"Nope" he denied

"Justin" a whine, slipped from your lips

"Y/n" he copied

Finally you gave in, accepting the fact that you were gonna get crushed and die underneath justin. He laid his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. It increased as the seconds passed. See, you and justin have known each other since third grade and you've had a crush on his since sixth. You were just scared of his response, so you kept it to yourself.

"Y/n, your Heart is beating so fast right now" he spoke "I can feel the vibrations of it. Are you having a heart attack?" He looked up at you

"No" you laughed "its just..." You thought about telling him or not "nothing, it doesn't that when I think about things" you looked away

Justin sighed and continued to look at you. All of a sudden justin flipped you over, now you were on top of him. He was hold ing you by your waist as you held your hands in place on his chest. Justin looked down at you.

"Y/n, every time you come over, you seem to be deep in your thoughts. I know there's something up with you and I want to know what it is. What happened to never keeping secrets from each other" justin said

"Well I'm afraid of your reaction, your answer to this one" the tension was killing you, but the moment just felt right

Justin just looked at you, not knowing what to say. His eyebrow raised in concern, wanting to know what it was.

"It's it good, or bad?" He asked

"It's good to me but, I don't know about you" you hesitated

"Just tell me" he stated

You took a deep breath, sitting up in Justin's lap. He followed you, sitting up also. You placed your hands together in your lap, looking at the floor.

"Well, the problem is...I love you" you glanced at him quickly before focusing on your hands "I've had a huge crush on you since the sixth grade, but you've had all these girlfriends and no one was attracted to me in that type of way. I never told you, well because, you probably wouldn't want someone like me, no on-" justin grasped your face, crashing his lip to yours.

You were a bit taken back, but soon found yourself kissing back. Once he pulled away, he looked deep into your eyes.

"Y/n, I've always liked you. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you. I didn't date those girls because I liked them, I dated them because I thought you didn't like me that way. I thought you just wanted to be friends" you gave him a small smile

"I love you too" he told you, before kissing you again

End notes

Just really needed to update, haven't did it in a while, so why not get back in the game


Justin Bieber interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now