°can't do it°

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You sat in Justin's room getting your things together. Its seven in the afternoon and you're just waitin for justin to come back. You've been thinking about yours and Justin's relationship. You're just not feeling the same love you felt with him before. You thought it was time for you to leave and not lead him on.

You heard the door downstairs open, followed by Justin's voice.

"Y/n, I'm back!" Justin shouted

You made your way downstairs, watching him put his things up.

"Justin?" You called

"Yea, babe" you closed your eyes at his words, opening them again

"We, need to talk" you told him

"About what?" He asked

"I think we should part" you stated

Justin's face fell, the tears welding up in his eyes.

"What, w-why?" He tried blinking back his tears

"I think you deserve someone better than me, I'm not going to stay here and lead you on like this" you turned around to grab the rest of your things.

"No, Y/n I love you" he whimpered

"I know, justin. That's the sad part. We have a one way relationship and this isn't going to work for me"

You began to walk away, but justin pulled you back by your wrist.

"You can't leave me, Y/n. Please stay, I'm begging you, please" justin sobbed

You shook your head "I can't justin. I'm not going to stay with someone, I don't feel the same for anymore"

You walked downstairs, towards the door, but justin ran in front of it, blocking it. You stood there, clearly becoming aggravated.

"Justin would you please let me leave?" You nicely asked

"No, you're not leaving me"

"Justin, I told you already, I can't stay here with you" you looked away

"Tell me why you are leaving me? Is it someone else, cause if it is, I can change. I can become something better than them" justin rambled

"No, that's not it" you looked down

"Do you not love me anymore?" Justin asked

You shook your head, slightly glancing up at him. Tears were slipping uncontrollably now. He was heart broken and you knew it.

"Look at me" he demanded

You kept your stare focused on the floor.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me, tell me you don't love me anymore" justin stated

You looked him in the eyes. Silence fell, it seemed as if time froze and you and justin were the only two people active.

"....I...I don't love you anymore, justin....I'm so sorry" you spoke

You pushed passed him, walking out of the door. You got into your car and drove off, trying to erase your memories with justin.

Memories deleted...

How was that, thanks to MissDelsie, she gave me the idea...I really liked it. I honestly think I'm getting batter at my writing. Yes or no? Yes? Hahaaa.... Okay bye


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