Back from tour

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Justin and I spent the last week together, before he went on tour. He told me that he'd be back in ten months or less. Yes I was devastated, I wouldn't be able to see my boyfriend. Two weeks after he left, something came up, I didn't know if Justin would be happy about it or not, but I wanted to go through with it. I was happy with my decision, zero regrets.


I pulled into the driveway, sighing in relief. To say I was glad to be home was an understatement. It was early in the morning, 6:30 that is. I got out my car and entered, the home I shared with Y/n.

Walking upstairs quietly, is what I did. I didn't want to wake her up, but let her sleep peacefully. I opened the door and tip toed over to her side of the bed. I'd seen something else that shocked me. Y/n had a baby cuddled up with her, he was cute, but when I left I was sure she didn't have a baby.

Should I wake her up?

Usually when I do, she answers half asleep. I just want to know about the baby.

"Y/n" I lightly shook her shoulder

"Y/n, baby wake up"

Her eyes slightly opened, glancing at me. Just then she shot out of bed and lunged herself at me.

"Oh my gosh, Justin" Y/n whimpered into my shoulder

"I missed you so much" I wrapped my arms around her waist as we sat on the floor

She pulled back and smashed her lips to mine.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?" I wiped the tears that had fallen

"I wanted to surprise you, but you surprised me" I smiled

"I'm sorry, I just missed my boyfriend" Y/n wrapped her arms around my neck once again

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I look at the sleeping baby in our bed.

"I have one question for you, though"


"Who's the baby?" She let go of my neck and gently picked him up

"This is Caden, uhm he's ours" a wide smile spread across her face

"Since when?"

"Since two weeks after you left"

I grabbed Caden from Y/n and held him in my arms. His eyes opened and a slight smile formed on his lips.

This is my son...

He was breathtaking and gorgeous. I smiled down at him, gliding my thumb over his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" I looked

"I wanted to surprise you"

"You truly did surprise me" I pressed my lips to Y/n's one last time

"I love you, baby girl"

"I love you, too"


What do you think???

You guys comments amuse me, I love them


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